Slovakia and the Bologna process Impact and Experiences prof. Libor Vozár President of the Slovak Rector´s Conference Rector of Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra ‘Expanding Europe’ Jubilee Rectors’ Conference October 2010, University of Pécs, Hungary
Important Dates/Measures 1999 Milan Ftáčnik, Minister of Education, signs the Bologna declaration 2002 Bologna principles have been introduced at HEIs in Slovakia through the Act 131/2002 about HE – re-accreditation of structured study programmes (Bc, MSc./Ing. PhD.) – credit system – (deep reform of HE) under Project/LLP/Erasmus National team of Bologna promoters/experts
Important Dates/Measures Evaluation of Slovak HE sector performed by EUA via IEP Last graduates of old non-structured study programmes have been released Complex accreditation – diversification of HEIs
Basic Numbers Population: (June 2010) Number of students: FTE ( ), PTE (80.527) Number of HEIs: 33, public (20), state (3), private (10) Students public & state (2/3) private (1/3)
Bratislava Nitra Banská Bystrica Košice Prešov Trnava Žilina Trenčín Zvolen Liptovský Mikuláš Ružomberok Skalica Komárno Sládkovičovo Dubnica nad Váhom Landscape HEIs
Landscape - Students Bratislava Nitra Banská Bystrica Košice Prešov Trnava Žilina Trenčín Zvolen Liptovský Mikuláš Ružomberok Skalica Komárno Sládkovičovo Dubnica nad Váhom
Study Programmes and Recognition of Study structured into 3 cycles – Bachelor (3 years), Master/Ing.(2), PhD. (3) exceptions – study programmes in medical and pharmaceutical fields of study are constructed as a combination of the first and second level of higher education study into one unit System of the Fields of Study of Higher Education - defined and administered at national level Curricula – professional Bc./theory for MSc. Qualification Framework Implementation of Bologna Principles
System of credits European Credit System (ECTS) Diploma supplement (free of charge) ECTS/DS label – Slovak Agricultural University in Nitra Learning outcomes Mobilities no legal obstacles support - Erasmus
Implementation of Bologna Principles Quality assurance – complex accreditation study programmes awarding associate professor/professor evaluation of research performance (external process) diversification of HEIs ESG standards European dimension Double Diploma Programmes Joined Degree Programmes
Implementation of Bologna Principles LLL new legislation further education is being started (pedagogical and medical staff) Universities and Students students – important part of Academic senates Student Higher Education Council Doctoral studies and research Slovak HEIs - Humbolt’s like complex institutions that perform higher education in the close link with R&D (art) activities PhD. - scientific education in the past strategies in R&D
Future New ruling coalition/goverment since june 2010 Crisis – budget of public HEIs in 2011? Too much HEIs Too much research outside of HEIs Public vs private HEIs – different interests Expected decrease of population
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