RCS Tool Box Talks Slips, Trips, and Falls
What’s the big deal about slips and falls? 20% of all accidental deaths are related to slips and falls. A California Workers Comp study revealed that work surfaces are the most common causes for job related injuries. Not only are slips and falls a work problem; they are the leading cause of accidental deaths in the home.
How to Prevent Slips/Trips/Falls Preventing Slips and Falls Be prepared for weather related problems Wet surfaces Ice/Snow Mud
Preventing Slips/Trips/Falls Keep walkways clear of trip hazards. Use handrails when provided. Maintain 2 points of contact when walking on stairs. Do not store materials on stairs. Maintain good visibility.
Focus Points for Slip/Trip/Fall Injuries The normal line of sight is 15 degrees below the horizontal. The center of gravity for the human body is normally 3 inches above the mid-point of the person’s height. Some common injury areas are: Stairs Scaffolds Ladders Roofs Tile and Concrete floors