Work at Height Regulations Health and Safety Executive
FALLS PROGRAMME Reduce death and major injuries from falls from height. HSC/ HSE targets 10% reduction in death and major injuries by Working with sectors were falls are an issue; Caretakers Facilities Management Companies Maintenance fitters
Summary The Work at Height Regulations Background Scope Managing risks from work at height Selecting the right equipment Other Requirements
Biggest Killer 67 Fatal Accidents 2003/ Major Accidents 2003/04 Until this year always 2 nd biggest cause of major accidents 2/3 of all major injuries caused by ‘low falls’ (below 2mtrs) Background: Statistics
Temporary Work at Height Directive (2001/45/EC) Bring existing legislation together into risk based regulation Maintain and improve standards Background : Objectives
Came into force on 6 April 2005 No transitional period proposed – Regulations consolidate good practice Challenge to communicate the WAH message effectively Current position
Scope Risk assessment/organisation/planning Avoid – Prevent – Minimise Select the right Work Equipment Other Precautions Key messages WaH Regulations: Overview
Work in any place from which a person could fall a distance liable to cause personal injury Includes access and egress work at or below ground level; but not stairways or slips or trips on the level Scope: What is work at height?
Covers all industries: e.g. construction, agriculture, manufacturing, retail, maintenance,warehouse etc; but not those paid to lead or train climbing and caving Duty holders are: employers; self-employed; and those in control of people at work, to the extent of their control Scope: What Sectors are covered?
Work at height should be Properly planned Appropriately supervised Not carried out if weather conditions jeopardise health and safety Those working at height should be competent or if being trained supervised by a competent person Organisation, Planning, Competence
Regulation 3 of the Management of Health and Safety at work Regulations Do a risk assessment Risk Assessment
Avoid work at height if you don’t have to go up there DON’T! Prevent falls use an existing place or means of access Use the most suitable way of working Select the most suitable equipment Avoid - Prevent - Minimise
Minimise the distance and consequences Minimise the consequences Take other measures to prevent injury eg instruction, information and training Avoid – Prevent - Minimise
Select the right work equipment
Collective protection before personal protection Select guardrails/working platforms before personal fall prevention (eg work restraint) Select nets/airbags before personal fall arrest Select the right work equipment
Working conditions Access and Egress Distance and consequences of a fall Duration and frequency of use/task Ease of rescue/evacuation Risk of use, installation and removal of equipment Select the right work equipment
Types of Work Equipment Guardrails Working platforms (scaffolds/MEWPS etc) Nets/Airbags Personal Fall Protection systems Ladders
LADDERS USE Risk assessment must justify use; Low risk, Short duration, Or Site conditions dictate Follow good practice
Examples of Work Equipment. Avoiding work at height
Collective Prevention. M.E.W.P Scaffoldin g Edge protection
Nets Air bags Collective Fall arrest
Personal Fall Arrest Fall Arrest Work Positioning
Other Requirements Avoid risks from Fragile Surfaces Prevent Falling Objects Warn about Danger Areas Inspect work equipment Persons at work should Follow instructions and training Advise employer of hazards/risks to health and safety
Communication What HSE have done What HSE would like you to do How will HSE know if they are getting it right?
If you follow good practice you should be doing enough to comply Do a risk assessment, plan and organise your work properly Follow the hierarchy: avoid – prevent – minimise Choose the right equipment - select collective protection before personal Guide supported by Industry Specific Guidance. KEY MESSAGES