Assessment What is it ? Why assess and for whom? How should we assess? When should we assess? What is the desired outcome?
What is Assessment? Summative –progression –certification, awards, reward –grading, classification Formative –learning knowledge, skills –feedback –incentives
Why Assess? For staff to monitor progress Does assessment meet learning objectives? –Understanding –Knowledge –Application
Why Assess? For students to monitor progress –Motivate –Provide feedback –Indicate standards
How should we Assess? What does each form of assessment test? –Essays –Assignments –Tests –Examination –Presentations
Good Assessment Should …. –be transparent –provide a clear procedure –offer direction and reassurance –encourage discussion –promote desired outcomes
Outcomes Skills Development Understanding Application
Assessing Outcomes Development of skills through assessment –summative explicit marking criteria: varying criteria weights samples for students of good and bad practice feedback forms group work –formative negotiating criteria (possibly in groups) marking by students, with peer feedback class discussion posting students' work on intranet (anonymously)
Effective Feedback
Good Feedback Should …. –be informative –promote reflection –encourage dialogue –identify expected standards –be timely –be sensitive –promote self esteem –indicate progress –feedback and feed forward Marking is insufficient
Types of Feedback Written – detailed v summary sheet E mail – personal and short Web – individual or general Interview – one-to-one Group – workshop or tutorial Feedback on feedback
Matching Assessment and Feedback Essays Assignments Tests Examination Presentations
Time-saving practices
Marking Self Assessment E assessment Questions requiring mathematical or graphical solutions Presentations Set responses
Links tructure/benchmark/statements/Econ omics.pdfhttp:// tructure/benchmark/statements/Econ omics.pdf