Electronic sub-certification conducted through the Office of Institutional Compliance and Risk Services in coordination with Controller’s Office Sent out by on September 15 Should be completed by September 30 Covers the period of 9/1/09 – 8/31/10 Required by UT System Administration Policy UTS – Policy on the Annual Financial Report.
FISCAL MANAGEMENT SUB-CERTIFICATION PROCESS Changes: is from One questionnaire which combines the Sub-Certification with the Management Certification New course number is MC2010 Was changed to avoid confusion
FISCAL MANAGEMENT SUB-CERTIFICATION PROCESS Annually, each Account Administrator should provide a fiscal management sub-certification to the Financial Reporting Officer- the Associate Vice President for Financial Affairs. The fiscal management sub-certification certifies that, among other items, their accounts are being reconciled timely, duties are properly segregated and no material weakness exists relative to their internal control.
FISCAL MANAGEMENT SUB-CERTIFICATION PROCESS Account administrators failing to complete the sub- certification are reported to their respective Vice President, Auditing & Consulting Services, and Assistant Vice President Financial Affairs/University Controller. The Office of Institutional Compliance & Risk Services utilizes administrator responses (or lack thereof) when performing the annual risk assessment to determine account administrators selected for Quality Assurance Reviews (QAR).
FISCAL MANAGEMENT SUB-CERTIFICATION PROCESS Reminders: If an account is inactive, zero balance or unit administrator has changed Complete Unit and Account Request Form Send to Accounting Office Account administrator must complete sub-certification if any expenditures were processed during the fiscal year, even if zero balance at 8/31