Developing and assessing the communication skills of MSc Applied Economics students University of Westminster Philip Hedges & Peter Urwin (2011)
Aims To describe the context for the assessment strategy To outline how assessment can help develop communication (& application) skills To explore alternative practice of assessing communication & application
The Issues Colander (2004) and ODoherty, Street and Webber (2007) highlight qualitative evidence of skills gap in the typical Economics graduate Employers perceive a shortage of application & communication skills Economists should be able to use economics practically & be able to communicate findings to specialised & non-specialised audiences
The Westminster Context Employed on a double credit (40) moduleApplication and Appraisal in Economics Core module on MSc Applied Economics & optional for International Business Economics students Starts in Semester 2 (January – May) and continues in burst mode through Summer School (June – July) Government Economic Service recommended
Module Aims In the context of supporting policy the focus is on the Application of Economics to real world scenarios & the Communication of Economic arguments to both specialist & non-specialist audiences Successful students are able to show how economic techniques of investigation can support the development of effective policy
Mix of Assessment 3 x viva voce individual examinations (worth 30%, topics self-chosen) (Feb, April, June) 2 x individual written reports (based on 2 of 3 viva topics, worth 20%)(May, July) 1 x unseen written in-class test (50%) (July)
Formative Assessment All summative assessments are carried out individually though we also set a group presentation (24 hr preparation) as part of Summer School which are recorded & held on the module Blackboard site We also set written individual short-answer questions for each student Summative & formative feedback is given on the vivas & the reports, and formative provided additionally for the group presentation & individual responses to SAQs
Viva voce drop-in Each viva voce topic is first outlined in a 10 minute drop-in session with 2 academics to determine the students focus Aim is to suggest the economic concept(s) likely to be useful & empirical/technical issues
Viva Voce Exam 10 mins student vocal presentation (without overheads, using notes only as prompts) 15 mins questions & answers led by 2 academics All recorded digitally for CD transfer back to student with written feedback form Marked out of 30, 10 marks for knowledge/understanding, 10 marks for application, 10 marks for communication
Some Topics Chosen Cost-benefit analysis for nuclear energy The case for high speed rail Competition in E-books & E-readers Illegal downloading & the movie market Economics of crime & the effect of incarceration
Results (%) Yr 1 n = 8, Yr 2 n = 10
Results Second viva mark usually higher than first, and third mark somewhere between the two Second report mean lower than first unexpectedly Overall mean for 5 out of 6 assessments has increased from the first to the second cohort with 25% more students
Questions? Problems? Best practice?