Bolometer Camera Plans at MPIfR, Bonn E. Kreysa, Kaustuv moni Basu, H.-P. Gemünd, G. Siringo, A. Kovacs, F. Schuller, A. Weiß, K. Menten Max-Planck-Institute for Radioastronomy, Bonn, Germany S. Anders, R. Boucher, L. Fritzsch, T. May, M. Starkloff, V. Zakosarenko, H.-G. Meyer Institute for Photonic Technology, Jena, Germany
SABOCA APEX facility instrument with 37 bolometers at = 350µm
SABOCA layout TES detector chip Multiplexer chip (10x) 37 TES detectors 4 multiplexers λ = 350 μm 200 μm option Scale 2 mm
SABOCA focal plane 16 bolometer arrays with 6 different thermal and absorber designs are on each SABOCA wafer. For test purposes the wafer has also 4 test chips with with 6 single bolometers of each variety.. single bolometer TES heater
SABOCA in Cass. cabin
Atmospheric transmission at the APEX site pwv during SABOCA run in Oct 2008 often < 0.3 mm ! 1mm350μm200μm Chajnantor best Chajnantor avg “good” site
Extinction plot with Uranus Stable conditions pwv 0.2 – 0.3 Low sky noise Opacity consistent with that derived from taumeter
Beamsize: 7.5“, close to nominal Sidelobes at 5% level Sensitivity: 170 – 250 mJy s equivalent to 750 mJy on 0.5 mm water SABOCA performance
Quick map of Orion 1.5 h int.time contours at 0.5 Jy 3.0 Jy 10 Jy 30 Jy 100 Jy 300 Jy
Work in progress at APEX Finish commissioning of SABOCA 2008 Polarization option for LABOCA Jan/Feb 2009 LABOCA-2, 300 TES, MUX readout pulse tube 2009
Options for future large arrays at APEX 350 m version of LABOCA ? 1800 bolometers fit into field of LABOCA (0.2°) ! LABOCA optical design is good for 350 m ! Full field version version of LABOCA ? >1200 bolometers in APEXSZ field (0.4°) ! New optical design required ! 200 m camera ?
ConfigurationField-Ø [º] F/D A [mm² sterad] APEX 12 m ALMA secondary APEX-SZ LABOCA (12) (1923) 1028 MRT 30 m Nasmyth JCMT 15 m Cassegrain SCUBA (Nasmyth) SCUBA (‘) CCAT 25 m Cassegrain (bent) Nasmyth (0.333) 3262 (13049)
Resolution & Sensitivity Resolution 345 GHz ~ 18” 150 GHz ~ 1' Resolution 150 GHz ~ 18” More collecting area will give higher angular resolution and more Sensitivity for compact structures! Excellent sky stability at 150 GHz will allow deep integrations Large field of view of a ~1000 element array will enable imaging of extended signals (like SZ effect)
High-resolution SZE Imaging Science Highlights: High-resolution SZE Imaging The Sunyaev-Zel'dovich Effect (SZE) provides integrated pressure maps for the hot gas in galaxy clusters Joint SZE and X-ray analysis can reveal the gas density and temperature structure — important for cluster physics & cosmology What high-resolution SZ imaging can do: Galaxy cluster Abell 2163 With 15” resolution we can resolve the entropy structure near the cluster center! This is predicted to be a major indicator of the cluster's dynamical state – and hence its mass. GHz 345 GHz Temperature profiles
High-resolution SZE Imaging Science Highlights: High-resolution SZE Imaging resolving bubbles and filaments in clusters (pressure equilibrium?) resolving the bow shocks and sub- structures in cluster mergers also, high sensitivity and resolution at 150 GHz is ideal for detecting clusters from high redshifts with SZE (sensitivity to SZE power is maximum near 100 GHz, and no confusion from IR-bright sources) Scope for X-ray observation is saturating – no major new instruments for the next 15 years! High-resolution SZE imaging is currently the most promising way to unravel gas physics in galaxy clusters! Perseus cluster seen by Chandra Gas+DM simulation of cluster merger
Cold Dust Near and Far Science Highlights: Cold Dust Near and Far Measurement at 2 mm will help to model the SEDs of cold dust (< 15K) accurately. Sensitivity and high resolution is the key for separating it from the hot dust component (which dominates the total emission)! At high redshifts (z~3) the cold dust emission peaks near 1 mm. With a new highly sensitive bolometer array at 2 mm, we can do the same modeling of dust and star formation activity at high-z, that so far has been done only for the local universe! NGC 1068: Papadopoulos & Seaquist (1999) SLUGS sample: Dunne & Eales (2001)