Early Warning Letter Information Session
What is an Early Warning Letter? If you are at risk of breaching academic progress requirements, you will have received a EWL. Don’t panic – It is just a warning at this stage. Be aware that if your academic performance does not improve you may be contacted by Academic Progress Committee in December and further action may be taken.
What is / has affected your performance? Poor study skills, time management Homesickness, difficulty adjusting/transitioning to university life Financial difficulties and/or working too many hours Severe disruption to domestic arrangements e.g. homelessness, sibling issues Family crisis e.g. separation, divorce, illness Death of relative or close friend Health problem (illness or psychological condition) Victim of crime Online Gaming Gambling
Do you have issues studying? Is a there a specific unit/subject that you find difficult? Can you improve the way you study? Do you have issues with motivation? Are you managing your time effectively? If one or more of these issues applies to you, you need to rectify this so your performance improves.
What can I do next? Don’t do nothing, the more proactive you are, the more likely you are to succeed and it will be viewed positively should further action be taken. If you think any of the issues mentioned apply to you, you should consider contacting one of the following support services:
Services available to assist you: Learning skills in the Library Develop your study skills (reading and note taking) Academic writing, referencing and academic skills issues Exam preparation Health, Wellbeing and Development Counseling service / Student advice SMART – Free 4 week course to assist your academic outcomes (success, motivation, stress reduction and time management) Disability Liaison Unit (DLU) Help assist with issues to do with a physical or mental disability including mental health issues.
Contact for services: HUB: Building B, Level 1, Room B1.23 (03) Learning Skills at the Library Caulfield Library Monday to Friday: 12-2pm Monday, Wednesday: 5-7pm
Unsatisfactory Academic Progress You need to be aware that further action will be taken by your faculty and you will be contacted by the Faculty Academic Progress committee at the end of the year if you: Fail a compulsory subject twice Pass less than half of your units for the year, including previous summer subjects Fail to meet previously applied conditions Fail a practicum or placement unit.
Key points to remember The letter is intended to help you by encouraging you to seek the assistance you need to succeed academically Take appropriate steps to ensure you succeed going forward (Learning skills, HUB, DLU or other) Student rights are available throughout the year to assist you – don’t hesitate to visit us about any issues you are facing or questions you have.