Using Microsoft Paint and Office 2007 Graphing Pictures on the Coordinate Plane
Go to Microsoft Paint
From the Edit menu select Paste From...
Select the picture you want to draw and click on Open.
Click on Start and bring up MS Word.
From the Insert menu select Table.
Try 35 columns and 30 rows.
From the View menu select Zoom.
Try 170%.
The idea is to fill your screen with the grid... before you click Control-Print Screen on the keyboard... which places your grid on the clipboard.
Restore Microsoft Paint
Select Transparency Selection from the Select menu.
Select Paste from the Edit menu.
Highlight points with integral coordinates, i.e., are at gridline intersections.
Open a new worksheet in Microsoft Excel
Looks like this
Enter all the coordinates of the gridded picture into the Excel document
Highlight the coordinates
From the Insert ribbon, go to Charts
Select X-Y Scatter Chart Type
Select Scatter with Straight Lines and Markers
Results should look similar to this, but more importantly, like the original picture
Acitivity adapted from