Peer Support in Law Enforcement. The Essence of Peer Outreach Support.


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Presentation transcript:

Peer Support in Law Enforcement

The Essence of Peer Outreach Support

Copyright © 2001, Law Enforcement Wellness Association Peer Support on San Francisco PD VIDEO

Copyright © 2001, Law Enforcement Wellness Association Why a Peer Program? Macho Image Distrust of most MHP’S Discussion with fellow employees is an acceptable alternative The emotional toll of law enforcement work can be devastating.

Copyright © 2001, Law Enforcement Wellness Association Structured and Trained Support We are our brother and sister’s keepers We DO take care of our own Trained Peer support can assist fellow officers and employees in crisis. This training is for those who want to assist others by making appropriate decisions and giving good advice.

Copyright © 2001, Law Enforcement Wellness Association Trained Peer Support in Law Enforcement Communication Skills Recognizing a crisis and what to do Understanding depression and it’s dangers The suicide risk Substance abuse issues Assessment and referral techniques Critical incident stress intervention and de- briefing procedure

Copyright © 2001, Law Enforcement Wellness Association The Facts Longevity of Law Enforcement Officers Divorce Rate Spousal Abuse Substance Abuse Depression Suicide

Copyright © 2001, Law Enforcement Wellness Association Law Enforcement Stress and Peer Support The Workplace Performing within acceptable guidelines Shift work, overtime, and pay concerns Supervisors can be a major cause of stress to employees Burnout

Copyright © 2001, Law Enforcement Wellness Association The Public All things to all people We are usually our own worst enemy. We are the first to criticize our behavior under stress.

Copyright © 2001, Law Enforcement Wellness Association Physical – Emotional Demands of the Job Must be in good physical condition to perform the job Can’t let feelings out for fear it will be seen as a sign of weakness Must be able to handle all the situations encountered on the job which sometimes carries over into home life.

Copyright © 2001, Law Enforcement Wellness Association Those who are affected will find a way to cope……… Hopefully it is in the form of physical exercise, relaxation, hobbies,quality family time. But often the coping mechanisms take the form of self medication (alcohol), prescription drug abuse, domestic abuse, and even suicide.

Copyright © 2001, Law Enforcement Wellness Association Benefits of Peer Support Teams Decreased Absenteeism (Counseling Team Intl.) Positive affect on morale. Shows management cares. Is cost effective Increase productivity

Copyright © 2001, Law Enforcement Wellness Association Role of Staff Support Listen Assess Refer Peer Support is NEVER an alternative or substitute for professional mental health or substance abuse intervention.

Copyright © 2001, Law Enforcement Wellness Association Traumatic and long term stress can be released and resolved given proper channels Understanding management is one of those channels Peer support and critical incident intervention is another channel

Copyright © 2001, Law Enforcement Wellness Association A Recipe for Success Selection Process Unwavering Support from the Top!! First Line Supervisor Support Trusted and Respected Team members

Copyright © 2001, Law Enforcement Wellness Association Stand by Me…… Support for First Responders

Copyright © 2001, Law Enforcement Wellness Association GOOD BYE & STAY SAFE! Presented by the