Microsoft ® Office OneNote ® 2003 Training Get to know OneNote CGI presents:
Get to know OneNote Course contents Overview: Introduction to OneNote Lesson 1: The basics of OneNote Lesson 2: Getting personal Lesson 3: Side Note Each lesson includes a list of suggested tasks and a set of test questions.
Get to know OneNote Note taking is something that most people do and in a variety of ways. But OneNote can do more than a pad of paper. OneNote is specially designed for note taking. Overview: Introduction to OneNote Learn about taking and organizing notes and customizing some features so that it all looks the way you like.
Get to know OneNote Course Goals Learn to take notes with OneNote. Personalize OneNote so that it looks how you want it. Use Side Note for jotting quick notes.
Lesson 1 The basics of OneNote
Get to know OneNote The basics of OneNote OneNote allows you to toss ideas onto a page in an unstructured way. Just jot down your thoughts as they occur to you and keep them in one place. You can go back later and add the structure you want or completely rearrange the notes in a different order. A page in OneNote
Get to know OneNote Welcome to OneNote As with paper, you can write (or type) anywhere on a OneNote page. Just click and write. If you use a Tablet PC, handwritten notes can be converted into text (handwriting recognition). You can type, hand write, or sketch.
Get to know OneNote My Notebook: Everything in OneNote is stored here, including folders and sections. Folders: Optional organizational aid. One folder can hold many sections. Sections: Organizational aid. They keep pages grouped together. Pages: You can write, type, or draw on a page just as you do on paper. The basic structure of OneNote The storage hierarchy in OneNote
Get to know OneNote The basic structure of OneNote, cont. A typical page with folders, sections, and pages 1.Tabs across the top of the page show the sections. 2.An icon indicates a folder tab. 3.Tabs show the pages in a section. 4.Add more pages to a section by using the New Page tab.
Get to know OneNote All about pages A page in OneNote autosizes and grows as information is added. At the top of each page is a header area. You can type a title here; the date and time are filled in when the page is created. If you want a group of pages related to one subject, use subpages. To create a subpage, click the New Subpage tab. 1.The header area. 2.The New Subpage tab.
Get to know OneNote Move or resize text When text is entered on a page, a box is formed around the text. This box forms a container for that particular bit of text. Each box is like an island on the page that can be individually moved and reshaped. It's also possible to pull out one line of text and move that to a different place or add it to another piece of text. Click the bar across the top to select the text. You can then move or resize the box.
Get to know OneNote Move or resize drawings Select a drawing by clicking the handle in the top left and then move or resize it. To resize the drawing drag the resize handles until you get the size you want. You can also move the drawing to a new position by dragging the selection handle to the position you want. 1.Selection handle. 2.Resize handle.
Get to know OneNote No need to save By default your notes are saved every 30 seconds. They are also saved whenever you close OneNote. All the notes in OneNote are saved in the My Notebook subfolder in the My Documents folder on your computer. When you open OneNote again, the focus will be where it was when you closed it.
Get to know OneNote Suggestions for practice 1.Create a new folder for notes. 2.Use pages. 3.Sketch a drawing. 4.Explore OneNote. Online practiceOnline practice (requires OneNote 2003 Service Pack 1)
Get to know OneNote Test 1, question 1 To save your notes in OneNote you: (Pick one answer.) 1.On the File menu, click Save. 2.Press CTRL+S. 3.There is no Save command in OneNote; it saves automatically as you work.
Get to know OneNote Test 1, question 1: Answer There is no Save command in OneNote; it saves automatically as you work.
Get to know OneNote Test 1, question 2 A folder in OneNote is: (Pick one answer.) 1.An organizational aid that keeps groups of pages together. 2.An optional organizational aid that enables you to group similar sections together. 3.An area in My Documents where OneNote files are kept.
Get to know OneNote Test 1, question 2: Answer An optional organizational aid that enables you to group similar sections together.
Lesson 2 Getting personal
Get to know OneNote Getting personal As with paper stationery, in OneNote you can choose different styles and colors for your page and pen. Find out more about changing the appearance of OneNote. Learn some of the more advanced features such as using bulleted and numbered lists to format your notes and make them easier to read.
Get to know OneNote What do you like? You can change the appearance of the following features in OneNote: Pages: Add rules lines. Sections: Change the color of the tab and header area of each section. Pen: There are a range of pen colors and types to choose from with inking in OneNote.
Get to know OneNote Working with words OneNote has all the features you would expect from a product designed for working with words. You can use bulleted and numbered lists, insert symbols, check spelling, and format fonts as you would in Microsoft Word. Handwritten text can be formatted like typed text.
Get to know OneNote Research Have you ever taken notes and then later wondered what source reference you used? OneNote has a handy feature to solve this problem when you're using the Internet for research. If, for example, you paste some information from your company's Web site, OneNote will automatically add the URL of the Web page to your notes.
Get to know OneNote Suggestions for practice 1.Personalize OneNote using colors and rule lines. 2.Create a bulleted list. 3.Take information from the Internet. 4.Change ink color. Online practiceOnline practice (requires OneNote 2003 Service Pack 1)
Get to know OneNote Test 2, question 1 When you paste some information from a Web page into OneNote, how should you keep a record of the source? (Pick one answer.) 1.Note down how you found the Web site. 2.Copy and paste the URL into OneNote. 3.Sit back and let OneNote do the work for you.
Get to know OneNote Test 2, question 1: Answer Sit back and let OneNote do the work for you. If you copy and paste information from a Web site into OneNote, the URL will be automatically added.
Get to know OneNote Test 2, question 2 You have some handwritten notes on your Tablet PC, and you want to add bullets. What do you do? (Pick one answer.) 1.Select the text and click the Bullets button. 2.You can't use bulleted lists with handwriting. 3.Retype the list by using the keyboard.
Get to know OneNote Test 2, question 2: Answer Select the text and click the Bullets button. Because OneNote recognizes handwriting as text, you can use many text formatting features on handwritten notes.
Lesson 3 Side Note
Get to know OneNote Side Note If you take lots of notes and make lists, you're probably used to sticky notes on everything. Or maybe you have a pad handy at all times. If this is familiar, then you're going to love Side Note.
Get to know OneNote What is Side Note? Side Note opens in a small window that allows you to note small details or comments as you think of them. These notes are saved in the Side Note section of your normal OneNote notebook. You can start Side Note directly from an icon in the system tray on the taskbar. The Side Note section will be the open section in OneNote.
Get to know OneNote Working with Side Note The Side Note toolbar 1.Page buttons (including the Keep Window on Top button). 2.The Note Flag button. 3.The Pen button. 4.The Type/Selection tool button. 5.The Screen Clipping button. 6.The Record buttons. 7.The Previous Page and Next Page buttons.
Get to know OneNote Suggestions for practice 1.Open Side Note and take some notes. 2.Add a new page. 3.Try the Keep Window on Top button. 4.Enlarge window to see Side Note section in normal OneNote. There is no online practice for Side Note.
Get to know OneNote Test 3, question 1 The quickest way to start a new page in Side Note would be to: (Pick one answer.) 1.Expand the window and then click the New Page tab. 2.Click New on the File menu. 3.Click the New Page button on the Side Note toolbar.
Get to know OneNote Test 3, question 1: Answer Click the New Page button on the Side Note toolbar.
Get to know OneNote Test 3, question 2 How do you open Side Note? (Pick one answer.) 1.In OneNote, click the Side Notes section tab. 2.Click the OneNote icon in the system tray on the taskbar. 3.There's no direct way of opening Side Note; you have to open OneNote first.
Get to know OneNote Test 3, question 2: Answer Click the OneNote icon in the system tray on the taskbar.
Get to know OneNote Quick Reference Card For a summary of the tasks covered in this course, view the Quick Reference Card. Quick Reference Card
USING THIS TEMPLATE See the notes pane or view the full notes page (View menu) for detailed help on this template.