Harvey Hoyo, Ed.D. National University- Costa Mesa Course Custodian: CED607
How did our profession arrive to its current state?
Describe historical development Why Vocational Guidance 1950 – 1960: Paradigm shift Roger’s influence Social Policy Legislation Professional Associations
A relationship between two people so that one person can help the other resolve a problem/issue
Counseling vs. Psychotherapy Counseling is more for... Psychotherapy is more for... Clients/Students Patients Mild Disorders Serious Disorders Personal, social, vocational, education, and decision making problems Personality problems Preventive and developmental concerns Remedial concerns Educational & developmental settings Clinical and medical settings Conscious concerns Unconscious concerns Teaching methods Healing methods
Late 1800’s
Rene Descartes
John Lock
Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz
Wilhelm Wundt
Edward Titchner John Dewey
The Guidance Profession: Vocational George Merrill Jesse Davis Frank Parsons
Vocational Guidance Hire Counselors
Educational Guidance Vocational decision makingPersonal well-beingSchool related problemsHome life issuesCitizenship
Assessment/Testing Clinically oriented services Mental hygiene
JOB Selection Traits Condition s of job
Follow up Treatment Prognosi s Diagnosi s Synthesi s Analysis
Pupil-Personnel Services Apply scientific techniques New York: Vocational Guidance Counselor Developmental Guidance & Counseling Child accounting & regulatory services Referrals School Guidance Services
Maslow Rogers
Humanistic Psychology Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs:
The person-centered approach, his approach to understanding personality and human relationships, found wide application in various domains such as psychotherapy and counseling (client- centered therapy), & education (student- centered learning). Carl Rogers
American Psychological Association American Personnel and Guidance Association American School Counselor Association
National Council for the Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE) Council for the Accrediting of Counseling and Related Educational Programs (CACREP) California Commission on Teacher Certification (CCTC)
Elementary & Secondary Education Act No Child Left Behind Act