Creating a Website Using the Web Page Wizard
Introduction Microsoft Word is an application to create documents. A webpage is one such document. A website is a collection of web pages. Your website will display the documents you create during your DAPCEP classes.
Opening the wizard Open Microsoft Word Select File Menu | New Command Word 2002 opens the Task Pane on the right Word 2000 opens a new window
Open the Word’s Web Page Wizard Select the Web Page Wizard
Beginning the Wizard
Create a title. Word creates a folder the same name as the title.
Select the Vertical frame.
Highlight and Remove the current pages
Add your biography file that you create in the last class by clicking the Add Existing File… button You can add.doc or.html files
This sets the order of the hyperlinks in your table of contents
You can use themes by clicking the Browse Themes… button
Themes are similar to PowerPoint Design Templates
Click the Finish button
Your web pages are created. Navigational hyperlinks Notice the file name