Introducing E-Learning Using Technology in Literacy, Language and Numeracy Teaching 1.1
Purpose of the day To raise teachers’ awareness of the potential of e-learning to enhance teaching and learning in Skills for life provision 1.2
Objectives Become familiar with current definitions of e-learning Consider the benefits of using e-learning within Skills for life programmes Review a range of different ways in which e-learning can enhance literacy, language and numeracy learning Acquire some e-learning skills to use in your own practice Identify some strategies to further develop your effective use of e-learning 1.3
What can the ‘e’ in e-learning stand for? 2.2
I.L.T I.L.T. 3.2 Definition of e-learning I.C.T. I.T. The use of electronic technology to deliver, support, and enhance teaching and learning
The benefits of e-learning In your groups consider the benefits of e-learning to either learners or teachers 4.2 Record your thoughts in file ‘4.3 The benefits of e-learning’ on your desktop
E-learning – E-living “The use of technology empowers learning: extending opportunities and enabling learning to take place in ways that suit the needs of individual learners Using technology as part of everyday culture is a skill many learners bring with them into their formal learning. Skills for e-living can inform and broaden the skills used in e-learning and should be seen as an essential part of the 21st century learner’s toolkit” A model of e-learning and e-living 5.2
How do teachers get started with e-learning? They start with their learners’ objectives Relate e-learning to their contexts, interests and preferences Identify appropriate techniques and tools to deliver the objectives 6.2
E-learning offers a range of tools for teachers and learners to use: learn how to use one tool at a time then how to choose which one is appropriate 6.3 How do teachers get started with e-learning?
Small changes can have a BIG effect on your teaching and your learners 6.4
Exploring E-Learning for Literacy, Numeracy and ESOL Teachers For teams of Skills for life teachers who want to enhance their teaching by making greater use of technology A menu of 11 modules, delivered by a trainer mentor who understands Skills for life teaching Flexible, practical, collaborative 8.2
Findings from the Exploring E-Learning project Almost everyone has Office and Internet access – and some experience of using them Most teams have a wide range of expertise – from real beginners to quite experienced Learning in teams is helpful Focusing on real learners and how to use ICT with them motivates most teachers 8.3
The practical sessions To see how they can use their existing skills and resources more creatively e.g. MS Word 8.4 To appreciate how multimedia technologies, e.g. digital imaging, can create new and different learning opportunities Teachers require two things:
Practical Session 1 Harnessing the creativity of Microsoft Word 9.2
Do you know what MS-Word can do? 9.3 Text Boxes Now that’s clever !
Creating interactive learning materials Literacy – reading, vocabulary Text boxes – drag and drop Numeracy – shapes Drop down forms ESOL – simple and continuous present Comments Numeracy – writing very large numbers Sound files 9.4
Embedding sound files is very easy 9.5
Practical Session 2 Transforming learning with digital technologies 10.2
Using digital images – some ideas Insert a digital image into an MS-Word documentInsert a digital image into an MS-Word document resize the image use ‘wordwrap’ to fit with text Insert still and video images into a PowerPoint presentation using digital camera and video using www resources 10.4
Creating participative learning activities with digital media Project work, individual or collaborative Field trips, resource gathering, exploring your environment or community Video analysis of practical skills, discussion or role play Collecting photographic or video evidence of learning for portfolio/assessment 10.7
Introducing Webquests A learning activity where most or all of the information used by the learner is obtained from the Internet. Provides a focused method of using the internet effectively in teaching and learning Provides the both teacher and learner with a framework for exploring and developing subject topics. Offers learners opportunities to work individually or collaboratively to build their own knowledge of a topic and present their findings creatively. Visiting London The Titanic webquestVisiting LondonThe Titanic webquest The Salem Witch Trails Webquest
Support for you – SfL Resources The Introducing e-learning WebQuest Challenge A Webquest to identify useful resources for enhancing Skills for life learning A structured activity to identify web resources of advice & guidance, ‘How to’ guides, sample materials, case studies and more A model activity for you to use with your learners
Exploring e-learning Use the case studies in your pack as inspiration – then focus on your own learners. Discuss and draw up a list of ways in which you are or would like to use e-learning to enhance teaching and learning 7.2 Type up in ‘7.4 Ways of using e-learning’ on your desktop– so that you can save and share them with others
What Next? Cascade ideas and materials Further training ILT strategy/Organisational plans Inspection reports ICT as a basic skill
What will you do now to enhance your learners’ experience with e-learning? 12.3