Remember… Please do not… Change the background. Change the icons. Change the font. Use Times New Roman (size 12 font). Use color. We cannot print in color anyways.
Tips for the Computer 1. Save EARLY! Save OFTEN! 2. Be patient. Let the computer complete a task before asking for more. 3. Technical difficulties are part of this project. If you run into a problem fix it and move on. This is not an excuse. 4. BOLD or underline each section title of the lab.
Excel Instructions #1 Making a data table in Excel: 1. Open up a new page in Excel. 2. Create a data table like the one on your lab format sheet. 3. Enter your trial data in the correct places. 4. Do not include units in the boxes.
Excel Instructions #2 Adding borders to your table: 1. Find the cells icon on the “Home” page of Excel. 2. Choose format from the pop down menu. 3. Click on “Format cells” at the bottom of the next menu. 4. In the format cells choose “Border.” 5. Click on “Outline” and “Inside” and then click OK. 6. Your table should now be outlined.
Making a Graph 1. Highlight your entire table again. 2. Click on the “Insert” tab at the top of the page. 3. Find the “Chart” button and choose “Column” and then choose one of the options. 4. Now you should have a graph. 5. To label your graph, click on the “Layout” tab and look for “Chart Titles” and “Axis Titles” to complete your labels.
Next Steps… Save your Excel data chart and graph! Open a Microsoft Word file. Follow the appropriate formatting to type your lab. Lab Title: Investigating Rates of Heating and Cooling
What you need to complete Title Question Hypothesis Variables Materials Procedure Investigational Set-Up (Labeled Diagram) Data Table Graph Conclusion (Use data as evidence!)! Discussion
Remember… Your procedure needs to be highly detailed and numbered! 10 Steps! Your Conclusion section should carefully answer all four bullet points. Your Discussion section should carefully answer all five bullet points. Make sure to include all parts from your updated pink sheet!