To review information useful in deciding what to do with records that are no longer active. UTA RIMUTA RIM
Records vs. Record Series Retention Schedules Decisions, Decisions! UTA RIMUTA RIM
13 Texas Administrative Code 6.1 (13) defines a record series as, “a group of identical or related records that are normally used and/or filed together and that permit evaluations as a group for retention scheduling purposes.” Using record series allows us to refer to groups of records instead of each individual record. This simplifies retention scheduling. UTA RIMUTA RIM
Records SeriesRecords (State Code ) Technical Documentation User guides System definitions System specifications System flowcharts Program descriptions Change notices Program modifications File layouts Data element dictionary UTA RIMUTA RIM
Records SeriesRecords Employment SelectionInterview notes (State Code )Driving records Physical exam Drug screening Polygraph tests UTA RIMUTA RIM
The state schedule has been adopted as an administrative rule of the Texas State Library and Archives Commission. The schedule indicates the minimum length of time the listed records series must be retained by state agencies before they are destroyed or transferred for archival preservation. UTA RIMUTA RIM
The UT Arlington schedule lists all official university records and states how long the University retains the records. Our schedule must be in line with the State schedule. Official UT Arlington records may not be destroyed unless they are listed on the state-certified UT Arlington records retention schedule. When an unlisted official university record is identified, please contact RIM in Net Solutions for resolution. UTA RIMUTA RIM
A long and high-profile process that begins with the Vice President for Business Affairs and Controller and ends with a letter to the President. Amendments will be initiated based on critical needs: if not an emergency, they will be batched for processing quarterly or processed as part of the recertification process every three years. UTA RIMUTA RIM
“What do I do with these records?” ? Contact RIM UTA RIMUTA RIM
Is it really just “correspondence”? Is it “administrative” or “general” correspondence? How do we retrieve “correspondence” files? Is administrative correspondence “archival”? NEVER file under “miscellaneous”!!! UTA RIMUTA RIM
Archival Records: -warrant preservation past required retention period -must be transferred to University Archives, housed in Library’s Special Collections University Archives: -fulfill University’s legal obligations -provide resource materials for scholarly research UTA RIMUTA RIM
Records designated as archival on retention schedule: -“I” designation = required to be sent to University Archives -“O” designation = required to be reviewed by University Archivist Records that you think might have historic value UTA RIMUTA RIM
Contact University Archivist (please do not send records until you have received notification to do so): University Archivist will: -set up an appointment to view the records -arrange for transfer of records to University Archives -have you sign Transmittal of University Records form UTA RIMUTA RIM
The method of destruction should be based on: Security level of the records Space available for storage, staging and destruction Costs UTA RIMUTA RIM
I.Before the Records are Picked Up by Asset Management: a.Complete a Document Destruction Request Form (Exhibit 2-50) b.Complete the Records Disposition Log (Exhibit 13-6) c.Prepare the boxes of records 1.Pack the boxes 2.Mark the boxes 3.Secure and seal the boxes UTA RIMUTA RIM
II. When a Department’s Records are Picked Up a.Present to Asset Management staff a completed Records Disposition Log (Exhibit 13-6) b.Signatures authorize release of the records to the Asset Management/Receiving department UTA RIMUTA RIM
III. After the Records Have Been Picked Up a.Records will remain securely stored in the Receiving warehouse b.Destruction of the records takes place off-campus c.Asset Management will return forms to the university department d.Vendor provides a certificate of destruction e.Forward the certificate of destruction and the forms to RIM in Net Solutions UTA RIMUTA RIM
Complete the Records Disposition Log (Exhibit 13-6) Obtain a certificate of destruction UTA RIMUTA RIM
I.All tangible media (videos, audio tapes, computer disks, and microfilm) may be shredded through Asset Management a.“Sanitize” all electronic media being disposed/sent to surplus b.Complete the Records Disposition Log c.Transferring computers (and the hard drive) 1.Inventory Transaction Form (Exhibit 2-45) UTA RIMUTA RIM
Retention applies to the content, not the medium. All official record copies of university records listed on the retention schedule must be deleted when retention has been met, and they must be listed on a records disposition log. Official record copies of university records maintained electronically must be maintained according to State regulations. If contains official record copies of university records, the rules apply to those records also. UTA RIMUTA RIM
UTA RIMUTA RIM The next session will be a work session!! File plans.. What, Where, How long?