Do Now Translate the following. 1. We live in New York. 2. They eat the food. 3. She speaks Spanish.
Repaso We live in New York. – Nosotros vivimos en Nueva York. They eat the food. – Ellos comen la comida. She speaks Spanish. – Ella habla español.
Storybird Verb Project: Task Students will write an original children’s story in which they incorporate the verbs we have used so far (Ser, Estar, Tener, Ir, - AR verbs, -ER verbs, -IR verbs) Once the story has been read by the teacher and revised by the student, the story will be illustrated using (Hint: you can use the images to help spark creativity for a story) Students must use DIFFERENT verbs in their story The story should be written in the present tense (exception for native speakers) and be written by the student - NO TRANSLATORS! The focus is on using the words and grammar that we have learned in class. The story should be written in Spanish only - no English (not even the title).
-AR Verb Project: Rubric ( Exceeds ExpectationsMeets Expectations Story (writing) 35 pts. o The reader understands me without difficulty o I am mostly correct when producing simple sentences and make errors when creating with the language. o My writing is rich in appropriate vocabulary. o My writing is engaging and shows effort to appeal to the audience’s interests. o Story is sentences long. o Story using 15+ DIFFERENT -AR verbs o Story has been revised at least once by the student (after being read by teacher) o The reader understands me with occasional difficulty. o I am mostly correct with memorized language. o My vocabulary reveals basic information. o I make some effort to maintain reader’s attention. o Story is sentences long. o Story uses only different -AR verbs o Story has been revised at least once by the student (after being read by the teacher). Book (visual project) 15 pts. o Student uses (see teacher for log in info) to visually represent their story. o Images appropriately match and enhance the written story. o Student uses (see teacher for log in info) to visually represent their story. o Most images match the story Use of Class Time 10 pts. o Used all available class time o Did not need to be reminded to be on task o Used most available class time o Needed infrequent reminders to stay on task.
Storybird Verb Project: Checklist View/Discuss rubric. Get login information from Ms. Mohamed Complete planning sheet and get it approved by Ms. Mohamed Write childrens story (in Spanish!!) on loose leaf paper and turn in to Ms. Mohamed sentences 15+ different –AR verbs (may sub Ser, Estar, Tener, Ir, or – er/-ir verb) Revise story Create digital book using Publish digital book
Verb Project