Using digital images in Arts research and teaching Birgit Plietzsch bp10 Phone: ext. 2315
Arts research and teaching? What about the Sciences?
Contexts Local: –Digital image projects –Systematic long-term storage and retrieval National: –The Digital Picture –A future national digital image resource?
Retrieving digital images Scenario 1: CDs, DVDs, hard drive a more or less unsystematic collection of images Scenario 2: Databases each project develops their own image database Scenario 3: A central database one database mechanism for all projects Scenario 4: The future? Aiming for compatibility with a future national resource
Scenario 1: CDs Cheap to produce No record keeping of existing images Finding right image can be time consuming Collaboration: –sharing storage media –easy to lose part of the image collection No integration with other image collections
Scenario 2: Databases Differences in: –the use of software –database structures –metadata and controlled vocabularies No integration of various image collections Future support and maintenance?
Scenario 3: A central database Costs arise once (development, s/w, h/w) Central database: –easier to support –encourages collaboration –consistent record keeping ITS deal with technical aspects Schools deal with content
Scenario 4: The future? a national image database? other external image databases? compatibility and interoperability of different resources
How do we take it from here? Local and national consultation –Technical: IT support Use of metadata and controlled vocabularies Compatibility and interoperability –Academic: Varying needs of individual projects Legal issues: –Copyright
Workshop (7 Nov 2006) Your academic input is needed: –What are you using digital images for? –How are you using digital images? –What functionality would you expect of an image database? –How would you expect your students to use an image database? –etc
Programme Digitising images (Mick Eadie, AHDS Visual Arts) Digitising images in St Andrews (Margaret Humfrey, Art History; Paul Vysny, History; Rebecca Sweetman, Classics) Copyright (Neil Dumbleton) The Digital Picture / National developments (Mick Eadie) Breakout session
Watch this spot … for further details of the workshop: Birgit Plietzsch bp10 Phone: ext. 2315