1 1 Search for what this database calls your term or phrase 3 2 Type your term or phrase; click ‘Find’ 2 Note the subject phrase used in this database for ‘bay of pigs’: blue link 3 4 Note other phrases NOT used; also [Expand] yields related subjects 4 5 Click link of preferred phrase 5
Which title, 1, 2, or 3 cannot be requested for InterLibrary Loan? What are the chances of successfully receiving it, if we request title #1 or #3? From this screen, what do we click to find an ILL request form for title #3? HUGE!
Note book details to ensure this is the desired edition Note variety of subjects covered in this book; these help you decide if you want to borrow this title If this is a book you want, click the ILL icon Item record continued
Items with asterisk (*), must be filled in Student ID # Pull down list; choose department for which you are borrowing this item Note date format; NO dashes, NO slashes Pull down to click your class status 1.You will receive an when the item arrives 2.Bring student ID 3.Pick up at Circulation Desk