Labor & Employment Law Journal Library Orientation August 16, 2015
Orientation Session Goals Policies and procedures Borrowing items for journal Commonly used databases Library catalog Journal Finder Databases Library Services Interlibrary loan Axinn document delivery
Borrowing Items Photocopy in the journal office Can use scanner in library Check items out under the journal account Use your own account for note/paper research! To borrow items from Axinn, get the journal’s library card from the law library circulation desk
Typical Types of Documents a.Scholarship i.Books ii. Book chapters (E-book download instructions on the journal cite checking libguide)journal cite checking libguide iii. Articles iv. Newspapers b.Legislative materials c.Cases and decisions
Commonly Used Databases Library Catalog (Lexicat) HeinOnline WorldCat Law Library databases Axinn Library databases Article Finding: Journal Finder Index to Legal Periodicals
Library Catalog (Lexicat) Available document types: books book chapters newspaper/bar journals journals cases decisions (reporters) legislative materials Access from Library Homepage > Research & Instruction > Library Catalog or
HeinOnline Available documents types: Law journal articles Legislative material Bar journals Cases (Fastcase) Legislative materials
HeinOnline Searchable database of selected law review/journal titles and other libraries
WorldCat WorldCat is the world's largest network of library content and materials Allows users to search the collections of libraries in your community and around the world Can search for books, articles, newspapers, journals, legislative material, videos and other digital content
Law Library Databases
Labor and Employment Law BNA Labor Relations Reporter CCH Labor Law Reporter (Westlaw) NLRB website E-CFR
NLRB Decisions-
Axinn Library Databases Types of documents: Non-legal articles Interdisciplinary articles Newspapers Statistics
Axinn Library Databases
Journal Finder Types of documents: Journals Newspapers Magazines Provides access to legal and non-legal journals, magazines, newspapers that are subscribed to by the University Not exhaustive-MUST check Library Catalog!
Journal Finder
Index to Legal Periodicals Types of documents (citations and full text): Scholarly articles-both legal and non-legal Symposia Jurisdictional surveys Court decisions Books
Index to Legal Periodicals
Indexes to Citations Bluebook T1 – Remember new edition! Bluebook Bieber’s Dictionary of Legal Abbreviations Cardiff Index to Legal Abbreviations
Internet Sources Google Scholar Google Books Fdsys-legislative material in PDF format Fdsys Search by citation General keyword search
Library Services Interlibrary loan (ILL) Make sure that it exists as spelled-use Worldcat and Google Books If it’s a journal article, check Journal Finder Verify with a reference librarian and get the OCLC number for the item. Give the information to an editor. A research editor will request the interlibrary loan (ILL). We do not ILL cases or newspaper articles Axinn document delivery Use this service for print journals held by Axinn Library. Make sure to include that you need the title page, title page verso and table of contents in your request. Limit 3 article requests per form submission. Approximate turnaround time is 2 business days.
Research Guides Hofstra Journal Cite Checking Journal Cite Checking Georgetown