A.k.a…That’s your student!. Netbook Acceptable Use Policy Agreement Student/Parent Netbook Agreement Internet Filtering Policy Options for Netbooks Email.


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Presentation transcript:

a.k.a…That’s your student!

Netbook Acceptable Use Policy Agreement Student/Parent Netbook Agreement Internet Filtering Policy Options for Netbooks Online Safety Pledge

What does the Netbook look like? What programs are installed? Does it have tracking software? Computrac Where can they get Internet Access if we don’t have it at home? Hot Spots – Pontiac Public Library, McDonalds’, Dairy Queen, (Coffee Shop uptown)

Your responsibilities Carry it to school EVERY DAY No loaners unless you carry in a damaged unit Charge it at night, and be aware of where you can charge at school Media Center, Study Hall, Help Desk (Room 123)

Keep it safe: Keep track of it at all times and don’t leave it unattended. Store in your locker at school. Use good judgment if your parents allow you to take it to away games. Do not store it in a car.

Keep it in good shape: Don’t loan it to someone else NEVER take it out of its case Don’t drop it (no brainer) Avoid liquids, heat, and freezing temperatures Clean it only with water

Your Responsibility: You signed the acceptable use policy…do you know what it says? Your Internet usage can be monitored at any time through a reporting system at the school. The school uses a filtering device called CIPA Filter. Bypassing the filter is a violation of your Netbook Use Agreement.

Return your netbook at the end of the year. It will be checked for damages Over the summer it will be reloaded with software and repaired (if necessary) You will be given the same computer back next year………AS LONG AS THIS PROGRAM CONTINUES!!!!

If you have a problem, start with the netbook help area of the website (currently being created) Use the PTHS IT Help Desk Online Portal online from the website or the Help Desk in Room 123 Always ask your teacher before going to the Help Deck in Room 123!

Parent’s - Online access to your student’s attendance and grades. Student’s – Keep up to date on your grades and missing assignments!!!