Carver High School Library Media Center
Books are on Loan for 3 Weeks! The date due is stamped on the back of each book that is checked-out. Our security system is working. AR book and non-AR book can be checked-out. Reference Books, Magazines, & Newspapers, can only be used in Media Center!!!!! Overdue notices will be distributed once a month. Books can be renewed 2 times
Fine & Lost Books $.05 cents Every Day a book is overdue!!! Do not check out books for others. You are responsible for the book checked out in your name. Lost books must be paid to Continued-Checkout Privileges!!!! You cannot renew or pay a fine without showing the book first. When you pay a fine, there is a red notebook at the circulation desk. You write your name and amount paid.
COMPUTERS/INTERNET SERVICES *Remember the copyright laws!!! (They are posted on the copy machine) *Please remember your Username and Password and we don’t have access to them; only homeroom teachers or tech person. (workers will not sign in for you)!!! *Must bring all necessary materials when coming to the Library Media Center!!! We cannot hold your spot. *Access to the Internet is for school related purposes only and students may not visit any non- educational sites. *Make sure to log off each time you are finished u sing the computer unless otherwise advised. Please do not save information on computers. Utilize a flash drive. Guidelines for computer use: 1.Be prepared to be held accountable for your actions. Exemplary behavior is expected from all users. 2.Do not install software or download unauthorized files, games, or programs. Do not change settings, visit social websites, play CD’s or iPods,or send . Cell phones are not allowed.
Media Center Procedures Must have a pass before entering!! Must sign in and leave your pass with Library Aides. The time the student arrives and departs will be recorded. Please bring all necessary materials (pencil, paper, glue, notebooks, correct assignments when using the Media Center. NO food or drinks ALLOWED!!!! ( Including GUM & CANDY) Library Media Center will be Open ten minutes prior to the bell before school and 15 minutes after school except on Monday evenings, so please be prepared beforehand.
Library & Shelving Etiquette Clear Tables before leaving & Push in Chairs!!! Quiet at all times!!! Be Courteous & Respectful when in the Library!! Disruptive behavior and rudeness will not be tolerated and you will be asked to leave. The stacks are not a place to hold conversations.. Throwing books & playing in the stacks are not allowed. Eating in the stacks and leaving the empty packages are not allowed. Rearranging our books: pushing books to the back of the shelves, leaving gaps, etc. If there is a book you do not want, please do not try to reshelve it. Give the books to the librarians.
Accelerated Reader Program To encourage and motivate students to read!! To improve reading comprehension!! To increase test scores!! To provide steps and strategies that will enable students to become life long readers!!
LIBRARY SUPPLY STORE (Sign name & amount paid in a green notebook at the circulation desk) Composition Notebook $1.00 Copies $.10 Index cards $.25 & $.35 Notebook paper $.25 Mechanical Pencils $.75 Pens $.30 Pencils $.15 Pocket Folders $.75 Poster Board $.75 Report Covers $.75 Printing $.10 per page
Atriuum Automated library card catalog Contains a listing of all library materials Can be search by author, subject, title, and accelerated reader points uHome uHome
Library Tour Fiction (against wall) Nonfiction (center) Magazines (alphabetical order/against wall) Reference section (front) Computers (front left, middle left, back wall) Search station (front right)
Links Carver’s Webpage Carver’s Library webpage with links Colleges, scholarships, fun games, educational assistance, Alabama Virtual Library.