UC Enterprise Architecture Framework (EAF): The Business Value UC-ITAG
EAF Vision Support the ITLC vision to invest and deploy technology- based solutions that support the University's missions of teaching, research, public service, and patient care, and to address common Information Technology (IT) opportunities that advance the collective priorities of Locations and the system as a whole.
What do we want to do? 1.Increase responsiveness to business 2.Provide easy access to data 3.Reduce time to integrate with partners 4.Promote re-use of existing assets 5.Reduce implementation time (coding, testing and rollout) 6.Architect and promote technology-neutral solutions 7.Promote architecture modernization 8.Allow students and departments to provide innovative solutions
How will we do this? EAF to provide: Standards and models to increase the consistency, interoperability, and reuse of technology, data and processes across the UC. Technology infrastructure necessary to promote and support interoperability and sharing of IT solutions among and between campuses. Shared services reference architecture. Initial catalog of shared technology services to support common administrative systems.
How do we know we are successful? Multiple campus or business units are able to fast-track service delivery by leveraging a shared service Cost, resource, or time savings in implementation effort are noted by leveraging EAF guidelines, resources.
How will we measure the success? What are the KPIs and the measurement process? Document number of artifacts used and how often, per campus Document how fast services can get rolled out, start to finish Document efficiency of system integration efforts Document reduction of “one-off” point-to-point links Document total cost of rollout What will the format of the metrics look like?
Business DriversIT DriversKPIs to Measure Shareable upon deploy – Support a standard way to integrate with and leverage existing systems/services across the UC system Faster response: Reuse services rather than reinvent Compatible and standard interfaces Cycle-time: measure start to finish Dev time: measure new app/service delivery Total cost of rollout Cost reduction – need new ways to lower costs Easy information/data distribution/access Reduce integration headaches and reduce point-to-point exchange Time to integrate w/ partners/customers Efficiency of system integration; SOA rather than point-to-point Support common administrative systems, i.e. the new payroll/HR system (UCPath) Strive for one solution for the same business need, not multiple solutions Document number of artifacts used and how often, per campus Document how fast services can get rolled out, start to finish Increase the consistency, interoperability, and reuse of technology, data and processes across the UC Easy and safe access to common data Re-use assets: Get more value by re- use, spend less time on maintenance Document efficiency of system integration efforts Document reduction of “one-off” point-to-point links