Instructional Plan Template | Slide 1 AET/515 Instructional Plan Template Neil Harris
Instructional Plan Template | Slide 2 Needs Assessment The opportunity exists to train employees in landscape design with the companies goals in mind. There is currently no training in landscape design from the company. Introductory course in landscape design with progressively more involved courses to follow. Currently landscape design is contracted to a local company. Training landscape designers in-house offers the opportunity to design the resort landscapes from the companies perspective without the need to pay for outside analysis. The company will offer a basic course in landscape design, asses its success and evaluate the need for more in-depth coursework.
Instructional Plan Template | Slide 3 Instructional Goal After completing this course students will be able to identify plants and water features that can be used safely to create traffic flow throughout the resort.
Instructional Plan Template | Slide 4 Performance-Based Objectives While touring a nursery students will be able to identify safe plants, with 100% accuracy, that are suitable for use in landscape design in a resort setting. Students will be able to draw a rough design plan show the use of water features and plants that will move 70-80% of foot traffic in a desired flow pattern.
Instructional Plan Template | Slide 5 Summative Assessment and Learning Outcomes Students will be given a portion of the island that has not been landscaped to design and implement a landscape that will direct a focus group along a desired path % of plants must be safe % of water features must be safe for guests % of a focus group must follow the desired path.
Instructional Plan Template | Slide 6 Learner Characteristics Students will be employees with no less than 3 years of continuous employment with the company. Students will have worked for landscape maintenance for at least 1 year and demonstrated an interest in landscape design. Students must have a minimum of an associates degree or 5 years of landscape experience. Majority of students will be kinesthetic learners. Based on the planned demographic of the class many hands-on lessons will benefit the students. Access to experts will also reinforce the classroom/web-based portion of the training.
Instructional Plan Template | Slide 7 Instruction will take place either in the corporate training rooms, or in a web-based form for the first two hours. The second two hours of instruction will take place at a local nursery. Experts in the field of landscape design will be available during the hands on portion of class for detailed explanations. Training will take place during normal business hours at the normal rate of pay. Classroom/web-based instruction will cover the basics of plant recognition and traffic flow patterns through landscapes. Consultation with experts about the written/web-based content should ensure a more successful hands on session. Learning Context
Instructional Plan Template | Slide 8 Delivery Modality The first two hours of class work will be offered in either an instructor led classroom lecture, or through a web-based tutorial. The second two hours will consist of hands on learning at a local nursery with experts in landscape design.
Instructional Plan Template | Slide 9 Instructional Strategies The class will cover plants safe to use in a resort environment as well as the use of water features to direct traffic flow. The instructor led portion of class will consist of a PowerPoint presentation with handouts. For web-based students handouts will be provided before the start of class.
Instructional Plan Template | Slide 10 Instructional Strategies The hands on portion of the class will consist of students touring a local nursery with landscape design experts. By the end of the course, students will know which plants are safe for use in a resort setting and how to use the plants in combination with water features to direct resort foot traffic in desired directions.
Instructional Plan Template | Slide 11 Plan for Implementation This course will be offered starting June 1, The class will consist of 2 hours of instructor led or 2 hours of web- based content, as well as 2 hours of hands on instruction at a local nursery with landscape experts. Total time will be 12 hours including 8 hours allowed for the final assessment project. Classes will be held once a month starting at 0800 and ending at 1200 (future needs will be taken into consideration and class offering adjusted based on those needs).
Instructional Plan Template | Slide 12 Plan for Implementation There will one instructor assigned to this class for both web based and instructor led class work. Instructor led and web-based class work will be held in the company’s training facility/computer lab. The final assessment project will take place behind the landscape maintenance building. Employees will provide a list of needed materials for the final project and the instructor will obtain those materials from the local nurseries.
Instructional Plan Template | Slide 13 Plan for Implementation The class will be added to the course list already available to employees, and all landscape maintenance employees will be notified by their supervisor about the availability of the class. Supervisors will also inform interested employees about the prerequisites for the course. Students will be employees with no less than 3 years of continuous employment with the company. Students will have worked for landscape maintenance for at least 1 year and demonstrated an interest in landscape design. Students must have a minimum of an associate’s degree or 5 years of landscape experience.
Instructional Plan Template | Slide 14 Instructional Resources The class room portion of instruction will need a computer and projector to display the power point content. Laminated cards that can be used for later reference will also be handed out. For web-based students the laminated cards will be deliverable before the class is started and computers will be available in the company’s computer lab for employee use.
Instructional Plan Template | Slide 15 Formative Assessment Formative assessment will be in the form of open ended questions meant to check knowledge and stimulate in class discussion. For web-based students an instructor will be available for questions and there will be questions that will lead the student to the instructor for discussion. Several multiple choice questions throughout the course will be used as the formative assessment for web-based students that choose not to use instructors help.
Instructional Plan Template | Slide 16 Formative Assessment Oral assessment of plant identification will be used during the hands on portion of class. Rough sketches on whiteboards during the hands on portion of class will be used to assess the students understanding of water feature use. Team virtual project designs will help assess students overall understanding of material and stimulate discussion.
Instructional Plan Template | Slide 17 To evaluate the effectiveness of the learning plan student surveys will be handed out at the end of each class. Another tool that will be used will be industry peer review of the skills learned by the employees. Evaluation Strategies
Instructional Plan Template | Slide 18 Outcome Review Testing to ensure that students can identify safe plants with 100% accuracy will be used to determine if performance based objectives are being met. A focus group moving through the student’s final project will be the determining factor for the overall success or failure of the class. Feedback from the focus group will be used to evaluate and make changes to the course.
Instructional Plan Template | Slide 19 Recommendations Based on the outcome of this introductory course, progressively more advanced courses in landscape design will be developed or this course may be discontinued. Overall results will be used to also gauge if the scope of this class is to broad or to narrow.
Instructional Plan Template | Slide 20 References Adult learning tip 1: Developing a curriculum [Training Tip]. (n.d.). Retrieved from MSHA: %201.pdf Alliance. (2006). Creating water features in the landscape. (2010). Retrieved from On line course development. (2012). Retrieved from development.html Poisonous Plants. (2010). Retrieved from Taylor, K., Marienau, C., & Fiddler, M. (n.d.). Linking learning with development. In Developing adult learnersstrategies for teachers and trainers. Retrieved from