Chart 1: Nominal House Price Levels (Q1 1996 = 100) Sources: Department of Communities and Local Government (UK), StatBank Denmark (Denmark), Statistics.


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Presentation transcript:

Chart 1: Nominal House Price Levels (Q = 100) Sources: Department of Communities and Local Government (UK), StatBank Denmark (Denmark), Statistics Sweden (Sweden), Statline Centraal Bureau voor De Statistiek (Netherlands), INSEE (France) and Department of Environment, Community and Local Government (Ireland).

Chart 2: Annual Nominal House Price Inflation Rates, % Sources: based on data in Chart 1

Chart 3: Real House Price Levels (Q = 100) Sources: house price data as in Chart 1; Harmonised Consumer Price data are obtained from OECD Stat Extracts

Chart 4: Annual Real House Price Inflation Rates, % Sources: based on data in Chart 3