1 Unit 7 Seminar
2 Welcome to seminar! Hello! While you are waiting, please feel free to chat among yourselves. I am sure you have lots to talk about. I am looking forward to tonight’s discussion.
3 Developmentally delayed Developmental delay: children who demonstrate delays in one or more of the domains Domains include: physical/motor; self-help skills; social-emotional behaviors; communication, and cognitive development. (Black & Puckett, 2005, p. 321).
4 More Special Needs Atypical development: children whose patterns of development differ from same aged children. Differences in atypical development: sensorimotor anomalies, atypical emotional or social patterns, atypical cognitive and language development. Medically diagnosed conditions. (Black & Puckett, 2005, p ).
5 Inclusive Practices Vision and hearing evaluations and follow-ups Medical and health care services (Black & Puckett, 2005, p.326). Early Identification Screening and assessment Assistive technology
More Inclusive Practices Family counseling Transportation Home visits Nutrition supervision Physical therapy Psychological services Speech/language therapy (Black & Puckett, 2005, p.326). 6
7 Stages of Growth Stage 1: Conception to 6 months Stage 2: Toddler hood to Preschool age Stage 3: Puberty Stage 4: Adulthood (Black & Puckett, 2005, p. 311).
8 Large & Small Motor Development Large Motor Health-related fitness Performance-related fitness Small Motor PrehensionDexterity (Black & Puckett, 2005).
9 Nutrition Establish regular eating schedules Avoid unscheduled snacks Provide healthy snacks Encourage hydration with water Allow children to help in planning meals Allow children to help in the kitchen (Black & Puckett, 2005, p. 336).
10 Last Project Due in Week 9 Option 1: a real-life observation and analysis of an actual child care center. Or you can choose, Option 2: visualization of this type of experience. Go to Unit 9 and click on project to link to more information.
11 Unit 7 Assignments Read Chapter 11, starting on p. 316, "Large Motor Development". The Unit 7 readings explore the physical and motor development of children ages 4 and 5.
12 More Unit 7 Assignments Web and videos links—be sure to check them out. Discussion Questions Seminar Attendance and Participation (Wednesday’s at 8PM Eastern). Check out Weekly Announcements, Doc Sharing, and Webliography. Make sure that you get a good start on your final project due in week 9.
13 References Black, J.K., & Puckett, M.P., (2005). The young child: Development from prebirth through age eight. Fourth Edition. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education, Inc Jupiter Images Corporation, (2007). Clipart.com. Retrieved August 28, 2007 from website: