Year 12 Business Management The Concept and Context Based Curriculum
How the concepts fit in to the course….
This is why they are so important…..
6 KEY CONCEPTS We mentioned these briefly at the start of the course. Can you remember what any of them are?
A course built around 6 key concepts……
Task….. For each of the 6 Key Concepts discuss the following questions. You will feedback to the rest of the class. 1.What does this word mean (in the context of Business and Management) 2.Why do you think that the IB have decided that this concept is important enough to ‘underpin’ the whole course
Task In pairs Each pair will be allocated one or two key concepts 3 minutes: Brainstorm some key words or phrases that you think are associated with your key concepts
Task In your pairs, pick the 9 words/phrases that you think are the most important Write each word/phrase clearly on a post-it note Diamond rank your words/phrases in order of importance Explain your choices to the rest of the group
Group Task Each group will be assigned one (or more) of the Key Concepts. You will make an A3 poster for the wall about your Key Concepts Include: A large heading A definition Some appropriate images A border
CONTEXTS You need to be able to apply your knowledge of business theories/tools/concepts to business situations and give your own examples
Our companies…..
Task Using the ‘Company Profile – Template’ research one of the companies and create a profile Be creative with the formatting but keep the key elements on the template