By Gabriella and Beatrice
Flag The flag is brown, green, blue, white and red.
Population/Language One hundred and twelve million people live in Mexico and they speak Spanish.
Traditional Food Doritos with tomatoes, salad and chicken. Corn is traditional too.
Native Animals/ Plants Jaguars and quetzal birds, they have species and elusive.
Climate/ Clothing In Mexico it is hot \they were t-shirts and shorts in the Summer and Spring. Also in Winter and Autumn they wear pants and long sleeves.
Festivals At Mexico they bring bulls out and a red carpet out and they put the carpet on a solid thing and the bull charges for the carpet and the person whips the carpet away and the bull smashes into the solid thing.
Currency Mexicans use cents and dollars.
Other Information Mexico is surrounded by the Pacific Ocean and Mexico is the most popular Spanish-speaking country in the world! All precautions against mosquito bites.