Children’s Grief Handbook Resource Guide for Educators in Early Childhood Programs Compiled by Lisa Beltran
Problem Some Child Development Centers are not armed with resources in helping bereaved children and families. Some believe that children under the age of five do not experience grief or loss
What is Grief? Grief is the natural reaction to loss. Grief is both a universal and a personal experience. Individual experiences of grief vary and are influenced by the nature of the loss. Some examples of loss include; Death of a loved one Ending of an important relationship Loss of a pet Loss through friends moving away Parents or a loved one in the military Divorce.
What does Grief look like in Young Children? Infants: Crying more than usual Searching Become anxious as a result of a separation Weight loss Fear Failure to thrive
Toddlers Change in Sleep and Eating Habits Sadness Anger Acting out behavior Regressive behavior Delayed milestones Little or reduced verbal responsiveness
Preschoolers Crying Clinging Magical thinking that the person can reappear Acting and talking as if the person is still alive Confusion Irritability Guilty
Preparing for the unexpected Children’s Grief Handbook Resource Guide for Educators in Early Childhood Programs
What is included ? What is grief ? What grief looks like in Infants, toddlers and preschoolers Bibliography of developmentally appropriate books Developmentally Appropriate Activities Resources articles for educators and families Community Resources (websites and contact information)
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