Embedding threshold concepts Embedding Threshold Concepts etc Threshold Concepts: implications for assessment Peter Davies and Jean Mangan
Embedding Threshold Concepts etc Type of conceptual change Type of transformation and integration Examples in economics 1. BasicNewly met concepts some of which transform understanding of everyday experience through integration of personal experience with ideas from discipline. Distinctions between price/cost; income/wealth (stocks/flows); nominal/real values; investment/saving. Real money balances, natural rate of unemployment. 2.Discipline Threshold concepts Understanding of other subject discipline ideas (including other threshold concepts) integrated and transformed through acquisition of theoretical perspective Partial equilibrium, welfare economics, marginality, opportunity cost 3. Modelling Threshold Concepts Ability to construct discipline specific narratives and arguments transformed through acquisition of ways of practising. Comparative statics (equilibrium, ceteris paribus), time (short-term, long-term, expectations), elasticity
Embedding threshold concepts Embedding Threshold Concepts etc Proposed Criteria for Assessment At level 1 we need to test: 1.The understanding of a range of basic concepts. 2. The ability to use economic modelling (particularly comparative statics at level 1). 3. An emerging understanding of threshold concepts.
Criteria for reviewing questions Criteria Problem or theory focused? Explicit reference to concepts? Explicit mode of representation? Single or related concepts?
Criteria for reviewing questions 1. Opp. CostCostsConsumption Problem or theory focused? Explicit reference to concepts? Explicit mode of representation? Single or related concepts?