City Councillor Chin Lee Rosewood Taxpayers’ Assoc. Annual General Meeting 2012 September
Keeping Properties Up to Standards All property owners in Toronto are expected to keep properties in a state of good repair. Chapter 629 of the Toronto Municipal Code defines what constitutes good repair. Continued failure to comply with by-laws could result in City taking court action against property owner.
Chapter 629 – Most Common Infractions Junk and garbage strewn around property Grass higher than 20 cms. (8 inches) Shrubs, trees and other landscaping not being trimmed Fences and buildings covered in graffiti Fences falling over. Exterior of house in need of painting or siding
Why Don’t Some people maintain their properties? Financial: - Maintaining a property properly is expensive. - Persons on fixed incomes or out of work may not have the means Age: Seniors often find it difficult to do minor repairs needed to maintain a home. Health Issues: Lack of mobility or illness can make it difficult to do repairs Unfamiliarity with Toronto by-laws: Different jurisdictions have different by-laws and standards.
What if someone is not maintaining their property? Step 1: Talk to your neighbour about need to maintain his/her property. Encourage them as a well maintained neighbourhood means higher property values for everyone. Step 2: Call City of Toronto at 311 or Councillor Lee at
When a complaint is made to the City… 1.A Municipal Licensing and Standards Inspector /Officer will be dispatched to investigate the property complaint. 2.If a property standards violation is found, the registered owner(s) will be issued with a Notice of Violation. Note: All owners may be fined. 3.Depending on the nature of the violation, the property owner(s) is usually given a reasonable period (average - couple of weeks) to fix the problem. 4.Continued failure to comply could result in hundreds of dollars of fines and re-inspection fees.
How can community associations help? 1.Inform and encourage neighbours to maintain their property in good repairs (increases property values for everyone) 2.Call 311 or Councillor Lee to report the problem. 3.Get neighbour to call Councillor Lee. We can put eligible homeowners in touch with community organizations that do low cost repairs 4.Organize your own programs to assist neighbours
Community maintenance City cuts grass along city blvds 6 times a year Local roads are swept every once every two months between April and November Arterial roads a swept once per week Walkways are cleaned in early spring once snow is gone and then cleaned approx once per month afterwards If you believe a city property is in need of extra maintenance, call 311 or Councillor Lee (Specific) Tree trimming is done on a complaints basis
City working to stop flooding Enacted by-law requiring homeowners to disconnect their home’s downspout from the City’s sewer system Basement Flooding Protection Subsidy Program Work underway across the City to make improvements to local sewer systems and overland drainage. Regular inspection, cleaning and maintenance of the City’s sewer system. Water efficiency programs to reduce wastewater volumes.
Home Flooding…some common causes A leak in your home’s foundation, basement windows or door Poor lot drainage Overflowing eavestroughs Leaking/plugged downspouts A blocked connection between your home and the main sewer in the street
What to do if you experience basement flooding (Consider preventive maintenance – camera scanning of your sewers by a reputable company prior to any flooding) Call Check your insurance policy to see if you’re covered. If yes, call your insurance company Call your plumber or contractor – check yellow pages or search internet
Basement Flooding Protection Subsidy: A City offers subsidy of up to $3200 to eligible homeowners to install flood protection devices. Property owner required to have plumber, licensed by the City, conduct a site assessment to determine suitability of isolating their property from the City’s sewer system. Flood protection devices eligible for subsidy include: 1)Sump Pump: 2)Back flow valve 3)Pipe severance and capping
Flood damage: Can I seek compensation from City? City is not responsible if cause of flooding was a result of conditions on your own private property. City could be held responsible for damages if: 1)Installation of water or sewer service was not done in accordance with the engineering practices that prevailed at the time 2)City failed to follow a reasonable maintenance schedule or did not take reasonable proactive measures to prevent water and sewage system failures.
Flood Damage: How to file a claim : City clerk at: Write to city clerk at: City Clerk's Office- Claims City Hall 100 Queen Street West Toronto, Ontario, M5H 2N2 Include the following Info - Your name and contact info - Location where flood occurred - Time and date of flooding -Nature of damages -Any supporting documents (i.e. report from your plumber, etc.) of your claim
Transit proposal in June,
One City Transit Proposal was NOT introduced at Council in July 2012 due to insufficient support from Councillors However!!
Long-term TRANSIT plans and funding reports are coming in Fall PG16.16 recommendation 1c - include public transit in OP - includes most of the lines in One City Transit map PG16.18 East Bayfront LRT recommends making this a priority LRT line to support Pan-Am Games EX21.35 Regional Funding Strategy for transit- - the Mayor's side needs to appear to be in charge of the transit file.
The Scarborough Express Transit Proposal
AMX Trail in FACEBOOK search AMXtrail
Other Fall 2012 issues 2013 Budget Casino TCHC sale of Units Search and Hire New CEO for Scarborough Hospital Plastic (carry-out) bag ban Taxicab Licensing Review Traffic Gridlock
Other Fall 2012 issues 2013 Budget Casino TCHC sale of Units Search and Hire New CEO for Scarborough Hospital Plastic (carry-out) bag ban Taxicab Licensing Review Traffic Gridlock Input from community on above issues will help me to represent your views.
Development Apps in Ward 41 New CareFirst Service Silver Star Blvd Proposed Silver Star & McNicoll FedEx small parcel Passmore (140 jobs) 2+2 condo Glen Watford & Sheppard Chartwell Plaza expansion (2 new traffic signals) Rezone 2 properties on Midland to build 24 TH New church on Sheppard beside fire hall 75 new houses and French School on former TDSB Goldhawk property Sale of Police College on Finch
Briefing of the following ABCC’s challenges Toronto Police Services Board Budget Committee Licensing & Standards Employee Relations and Labour Scarborough Community Council Toronto and Region Conservation Authority Greater Toronto Area Agricultural Action Committee Golden Horseshoe Food and Farm Alliance Exhibition Place BoG Sheppard East Village Business Improvement Area Scarborough Hospital Board Nomination Committee
Q & A