Mark 10:1-31 Intro: - Jesus begins his preaching in Perea0 -Jesus leaves home I.Jesus teaches on divorce vs A. The Pharisees once again try to trip him up with difficult issues vs The culture of the day was for an easy divorce on the man’s side if he wanted it. A misinterpretation of God’s best vs Jesus addresses the heart issue of divorce vs. 5 B. Jesus teaches God’s intent for marriage vs. 6-9
C. The disciples question him about divorce. vs Jesus lays out the seriousness of divorce vs D. The only two legitimate reasons for divorce in God’s word. 1. Unfaithfulness/sexual immorality Matthew 5:32 -God hates divorce 2. Desertion 1 Corinthians 7:15 -Gods Best is restoration -staggering statistics -vows
II.Childlike faith vs A. Jesus loves the children 1. The disciples try to turn the children away vs Jesus corrects the Disciples vs. 14 -aganakteō - Much Grief (indignation) 3. The kingdom of God belongs to such as these vs Comfort for all hurting parents B.Childlike faith required for salvation vs Total dependence, total trust, total surrender
III.The Rich young ruler vs A. The question of eternal life vs Jesus asks him a question in return vs Jesus quotes the commandments vs The rich young ruler is unaware about his need for salvation vs Jesus loves him vs. 21 B. Salvation is only from God 1. How hard it is to enter the kingdom of God vs Then who can be saved? vs With God salvation goes from impossible to possible vs. 27 C. The reward for following Jesus vs