Monday, April 28, 2008 Thesis Statements Go Fish Prediction Writing
Under the Blood-Red Sun December 7, 1941 has been described as “a date that will live in infamy” by Franklin Delanor Roosevelt. Japanese war planes attacked Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, and the distrust of all of those with Japanese ancestry began…
Journal: 5 Date: April 28 Theme: Predictions Warm Up: December was when pearl Harbor was attacked by the japanese. (3) Response:Based on your card game, make three predictions about the novel. What will this story be about, and what will happen?
Characters Tomi and Kimi Nakaji were born in Hawaii and are American citizens, while their parents and grandfather were born in Japan and came under scrutiny by those in governmental and military authority. After his father and grandfather are arrested, it is up to Tomi to uphold the family traditions and to honor the family name. With the continuing help and support of his friends, members of the Rats baseball team, Tomi tries his best to take care of his family and himself.