You will need your springboard books and your paragraphs from last class. If you turned in your paragraph I will be handing them out to you. If you took your paragraphs home have them out on your desk to be checked. Entry Task: Today we are checking out our next novel Tallgrass which is an historical fiction set in 1940s. The plot surrounds the subject of Japanese Internment Camps. What do you know about this era of U.S. history?
Students will be able to... Analyze how culture affects identity and perceptions Practice effective speaking and listening skills that build capacity for collaboration/communication Analyze the concept of voice in reading and writing Examine and apply the elements of exposition Examine and apply the elements of argumentation
Read the instructions on Reading and Journal Assignment..\..\Tallgrass\Tallgrass reading schedule(2).docx For each reading section you will have different prompts that you need to address. I will be checking your journals – your grade will be impacted if you do not complete your journal entries (daily grades)
Synthesis Paper Activity 1.16 – Mapping position/organizational strategy. Activity 1.15 – Drafting your position (in process) Activity 1.14 – Indian Father’s Plea/evidence (completed) Activity 1.13 – Two Ways to Belong in America/Nonfiction evidence. (completed) Activity 1.12 – Everyday Use/evidence (completed) Activity 1.10 – Where Worlds Collide/evidence (completed) Activity 1.9 – Deconstruction a Prompt/essay basics (completed)
Writing a Synthesis Paper. Today you will continue to draft your second body paragraph for your essay using two of the pieces of literature that we have read (Where World’s Collide; Everyday Use; Two Ways to Belong in America; An Indian Father’s Plea) and write a body paragraph. Using the evidence you have collected during your reading select two pieces that you would like to incorporate into your essay.
Prompt: To what extent does one’s culture inform the way one views others and the world? Using evidence from the writing piece (your choice) discuss how the family culture has either a positive and/or negative influential factor in informing the way one views others and the world. Topic Sentence: What your paragraph is all about 1 st Support: Assertion that proves your topic sentence – positive or negative interaction Evidence: Two specific quotes/evidence from novel to support your assertion Commentary: Analysis of quotes/evidence. “This shows that…” 2 nd Support: Assertion that proves your topic sentence – positive or negative interaction Evidence: Two specific quotes/evidence from novel to support your assertion Commentary: Analysis of quotes/evidence. “This shows that…” Concluding Sentence: Connect back to Topic Sentence/provides closure
Prompt: To what extent does one’s culture inform the way one views others and the world? Using evidence from the novel discuss positive cultural interactions and negative cultural interactions that impacted Bessie and Sadie Delany’s view of the world. Topic Sentence: What your paragraph is all about In the novel Having Our Say, Sadie and Bessie Delany’s world view is influenced by their family cultural influence in both positive and negative interactions. Support: Assertion that proves your topic sentence – positive or negative interaction Sadie and Bessie experience positive family cultural interaction when they moved to Harlem and their family joins them Evidence: Two specific quotes/evidence from novel to support your assertion Commentary: Analysis of quotes/evidence. “This shows that…” Support: Assertion that proves your topic sentence – positive or negative interaction Sadie and Bessie’s experience negative family cultural interaction when they were growing up in Raleigh, North Carolina, and they experienced racism Evidence: Two specific quotes/evidence from novel to support your assertion Commentary: Analysis of quotes/evidence. “This shows that…” Concluding Sentence: Connect back to Topic Sentence/provides closure
Prompt: To what extent does one’s culture inform the way one views others and the world? Using evidence from the writing piece (your choice) discuss how the family culture has either a positive and/or negative influential factor in informing the way one views others and the world. Using the graphic organizer – map out your essay. I will check your topic sentence before you get signed off. Topic Sentence: What your paragraph is all about ( In ___________ and ___________ their families cultural interactions influenced their world view and the world view of others. 1 st Support: Assertion that proves your topic sentence – positive or negative interaction Evidence: Two specific quotes/evidence from novel to support your assertion Commentary: Analysis of quotes/evidence. “This shows that…” 2 nd Support: Assertion that proves your topic sentence – positive or negative interaction Evidence: Two specific quotes/evidence from novel to support your assertion Commentary: Analysis of quotes/evidence. “This shows that…” Concluding Sentence: Connect back to Topic Sentence/provides closure
If you have not completed your first body paragraph or the graphic organizer for your second body paragraph you will need to complete at home and return to class on Tuesday with them completed. If you have troubles with the paragraph I expect you to attend my tutorial on Monday morning for help H/W – read pages 1-22 and respond to the journal prompts
Reflect on the learning targets for today. Do you feel you met the targets? 1. Analyze how culture affects identity and perceptions 2. Practice effective speaking and listening skills that build capacity for collaboration/communication 3. Analyze the concept of voice in reading and writing 4. Examine and apply the elements of exposition 1. What is one thing that you completed or learned today that you found interesting? 2. What is one thing that you feel you can improve in future classes?