Using international data in teaching and learning Susan Noble ESDS International, Mimas, University of Manchester
»ESDS International »The resources: Countries and Citizens: Linking International Macro and Micro Data. UN Millennium Development Goals E-learning materials. Teaching Tools. »Looking ahead »Benefits Overview
»National data service »Serve all UK universities »Provide access to Socio- Economic data » ESDS International
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Supporting the user
»A need to upskill students »ESRC National Strategy in Quantitative Methods »Teaching and Learning Statistical Literacy
»Countries and Citizens: Linking International Macro and Micro Data »UN Millennium Development Goals E- learning materials »Teaching Tools resources/learning.asp Teaching and Learning resources
Countries and Citizens
UN MDG E-learning materials
Teaching Tools
Getting Started
Sample course plans
Hear from real lecturers
»Exposing students to how economics data looks in its raw state »Skills directly applicable to the workplace Benefits Photo by: Ohm17, Creative Commons, Flickr Ohm17
»Giving teachers an opportunity to flexibly develop learning activities »Solid basis of skills for students future research »Opportunity to develop a portfolio of realistic projects Benefits Photo by: ucentralarkansas, Creative Commons, Flickrucentralarkansas
Summary »Usage over last year*: Countries and Citizens: Unique page views: 15,928 UNMDGs: Unique page views: 3,294 Teaching Tools: Unique page views: 2,325 (from 28 Oct 2010) »*figures from 01/08/2010 – 31/07/2011 »Looking ahead
»Russell, C., Noble, S., Carter, J., Currier, J., Wiseman, R. (2011). Real World, Real Stories: Teaching Quantitative Methods with Real Life Data. Presented at EDULEARN Conference. July 2011, Barcelona. » »Carter, J., Noble, S., Russell, A., Swanson, E. (2011). Developing Statistical Literacy Using Real World Data: Investigating Socioeconomic Secondary Data Resources used in Research and Teaching International Journal of Research & Method in Education, Taylor & Francis. »Noble, S., Russell, C., Wiseman, R. (2010). Mind the Gap: Global Data Sharing. Pending - IASSIST Quarterly (2010: Fall ). Publications
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