Welcome to Mr. Knight’s Language Arts Class! Sit Where You Like For Now
The Name Game Without talking, arrange yourselves in a line around the class… …in alphabetical order by first name!
About Me cdrcmissoula.org
Warm-Up 1. How often do you read? A.Almost never B.1-30 minutes per day C.More than 30 minutes per day 2. What do you like to read? Pick from below or add your own. Realistic fictionOnline articles (tumblr, reddit…) Science fictionGraphic novels FantasyMagazine (which ones?) Historical fictionBlogs or Social Media posts Biography/non-fictionSports news & articles
Instruction Expectations, part 1 When I ask for your attention I will hold my hand in the air and count down. ●Sit up ●Eyes on me ●Listen Let’s practice: Ask your shoulder partner what they wrote.
Instruction Expectations, part 2 I frequently ask questions either at random or by volunteer. Listen to your classmates’ responses. Speak when called upon. If I call on you, and you’re not sure… o Ask a clarifying question, “What do you mean when you say…?” o Say, “Please come back to me,” and think about the question, getting ready to respond.
Let’s Practice Listen to your partner, and be ready to share what types of reading they do. Be detailed!
About You! ●Take out a piece of paper and put your name on it. ●Write down three things most people don’t know about you ●Make sure you don’t mind sharing these things! My example: I speak three language. I have four brothers. I once had a pro basketball player as a coach!
Turn It In Have the person at the blue desk collect them all Put them in the In-box for your period
Just Right Books Interest o What kind of stories or characters do you normally like? Action? Romance? Values o What is not okay for you? What would your parents say? Level o Five finger rule
Book Checkout Checking out: o Enter your name, title of book, and the date. Checking back in: o Find your previous entry, and put today’s date in the ‘Returned’ column.
Homework Review the syllabus with your parents. Due Tuesday after Labor Day.