Raise funds for our Unit programs Support Unit programs through funds matched by Trails End to the Council Teach our youth to work and be self sufficient
See Page 12
Take some of the pain out of the sale with good training upfront Give you some tools to use in educating and empowering your Scouts and their parents
The single most important factor to improving your sale is to have a goal ! The Sale is not about popcorn it is about FUNding your Scouting Program for the year! There is help available in the District, online, at the Council and at Trails End to assist you in making your sale successful.
Aug 15 Unit Budgets Due Aug 17Show and Sell Orders Due Sept 13Product Distribution Oct 18Popcorn Return Oct 19Take Order Due Nov 14Product Distribution Nov 14Prize Orders Due with Payment Dec 5All Payment & Prize Orders Due Dec 6Base Commission Drops 10%
30%Base Structure 1%Budget by August 15 2%Average $400 per sales 2% Average $600 per sales 10% Drop in Base Structure for payments after Dec 5 Please plan on paying with one check to the council. Checks can be post dated to December 5. Checks not posted dated will be cashed.
Unit budgets are due to your District Popcorn Kernel by August 15. Plan the activities that you want to do this coming year. The popcorn sale is not about popcorn, it is about FUNding your program! Remember to include charter renewal, Boy’s Life Magazine and Summer Camp.
It is strongly suggested that boys are able to keep part of the commission they earn. There has been some concern regarding IRS rulings. Include items such as advancement, leadership & participation into determining their personal commissions meets the requirements of the IRS to the best of our current understanding.
Each Scout should have a sales goal based on the Unit’s budget. Scouts who sell more should be rewarded more. Scouts who sell less or don’t sale should pay for their portion of the program. Setting sales goals is the most important tool for success. (more on this later)
Due August 17 to Council. Log into the Trails End System. Ordering by cases not containers. Everything but $60 Chocolate Tin is available. Base your order on your goal!
Break down sales to be less intimidating Encourage higher sales with bonus credit – have Unit prizes Hold a kick off (see Trails End Guide) Hand out a Unit sales guide to parents – give them dates, times & incentives Hold a celebration for a great year of sales.
Resources on the Trails End Website
Have Scouts collect payment as they go. Checks should be made to the Pack or Troop. You can use things like a Square to take credit card payments, find out more by going to
Avoid going crazy, keep a paper trail of where the popcorn goes. You can use the Council’s product swap form on the Council’s popcorn webpage.
Encourage Scouts to do some online sales. A good idea is to attach a card with the scouts online account information to each product sold. Problems with internet sales needs to be resolved directly with trails end. Payouts for online sales will take place in January after the Council receives payment from Trails End.
Neighborhood Show N Sell blitzes are great ways to kick off your popcorn sale. Keep track of customers for yearly repeating sales.
Fred Meyer and Carrs will be managed by the District Popcorn Kernels. Get written permission from managers to be at other stores and take it with you. Conflicts between Units at stores have threated our ability to be at some stores. We need to set a better example for our youth. Units in conflict will lose their 2014 District managed store fronts and will not be assigned store fronts in 2015.
Product can be returned in Anchorage up to October 18. Please fill your Take Order needs out of the Show N Sell order. Only full cases can be returned.
Have a Unit Turn in Date a Week Prior. Have Scouts who are doing Online Sales Turn in their order forms by October 3 rd. Take out any inventory on hand from the Show N Sell that can be used to fill the order. This order is by cases and containers. Order exactly what you need to finish up your sale. Keep copies of order forms for next year’s sale.
Council is doing the prizes through national supply this year. List of Scouts Form and the Unit Prize Order Form will need to be turned in along with the check by the November popcorn distribution.
Patches and the $600 club prizes will be handed out when payment is turned in. Gift Cards will be ed directly to the Unit popcorn kernel. Prizes will be shipped from National Supply. We are hoping they do well. Sometimes they get behind.
$600 Club Nerf Gun $1200 Club $25 Gift Card Entered into the drawing for an ATV $2,400 Entered 2 nd Time in the ATV drawing
$2,500 Trails End Scholarship Qualify for Scholarship – 6% of sale is entered into the scholarship. Form needs to be sent to John Lubbers in Anchorage. Scouts who qualified in the past need to send in a form each year they qualify.
$3,600 Elite Second $25 Bonus Gift Card Entered 3 times for ATV drawing $4,400 and Up High Rollers Club Scouts who sell over $4,400 will get a debit card for 4% of their sale for the level they achieve. Levels go up in increments of $400. ($4,400, $4,800, $5,200 etc.)
Presentation By: Nikki Kulla Northern Star Council St. Paul, Minnesota
Encourage Units to Utilize Min/Max Budgets Make The Sale Simple Put Together Starter Packs for Show and Sell Product Get Community Support
Maximum : Budget with Wants Minimum : Budget With Only Needs
Product Total Sold Unit Profit Dues Owed By Scout $351 and Up$61.43 and Up$0 $301-$350$ $61.25$10 $251-$300$ $52.50$20 $ $ $43.75$25 $151-$200$ $35.00$35 $101-$150$ $26.25$45 $100 and Under$17.50 and Under$60
If Every Scout Sells The Per Scout Goal The Maximum Budget Is Funded Have Prizes in addition to the Council’s Prizes. Have a Party Invite Only- for Scouts Who Met The Goal Make It Fun (ex. Pizza Party/Lock-In) Hold The Event In January When The Holidays Are Over To Allow More Scouts to Attend
Break Down Sales To Be Less Intimidating Encourage Higher Sales With Bonus Credits Hold A Popcorn Kick- Off To Pump Up Scouts Hand Out A Unit Sales Guide With Clear Info To Parents Hold A Celebration For A Great Year Of Sales
Sales GoalSales Per WeekSales Per Day Average # Items Per Day $350$70$101 $750$150$201.5 $1000$200$272 $1500$300$402.5 $1750$350$473 $2000$400$543 $2500$500$684 Example: Fall Trails End Popcorn Sale Using 5 Weeks of Sales
Scout 17.5% Unit 17.5% Total 35% Example of Bonus Credits For Scout When Higher Sales Are Reached If Scouts Sales Total $0 - $999 Scout 21% Unit 14% Total 35% Scout 24% Unit 11% Total 35% If Scouts Sales Total $1000- $1749 If Scouts Sales Total $1750 and Up
Throw Some Pies!!!!
Create An Assortment Of Product To “Check Out” To scouts For The Show And Sell Method of Sales Make Starter Packs Based On Average Sales Of Each Product In Your Area DO NOT Include The Higher Priced Items In Starter Packs Unless Scout Sells Over $1000 Example Of A $300 Starter Pack 1- Chocolaty Caramel Crunch2- Butter Light 1- White Pretzel1- Buffalo Cheddar 1- Chocolaty Drizzle6- Caramel Corn 11oz 2- Caramel with Almonds/Pecans2- Popping Corn 1- Kettle Corn 2- Unbelievable Butter
Encourage Units To Operate Store Front Booths Encourage Service Hours To Give Back To Businesses Who Allow Scouts To Set Up At Their Store Demand Appropriate Booth Behavior!!! 2 Scouts/2 Adults/2 Hour Shifts
Registered Scouts: 70 Scouts: 50 Registered Scouts: 40 Scouts: 40 Scouts: 60 Registered Scouts: 60 Registered Scouts: 35 Scouts: 40 Registered Scouts: 25 Scouts: 35
The single most important factor to improving your sale is to have a goal ! The Sale is not about popcorn it is about FUNding your Scouting Program for the year! There is help available in the District, online, at the Council and at Trails End to assist you in making your sale successful.
Run by Unit kernels