What is a paragraph? A paragraph must focus on ONE point or ONE purpose A paragraph must answer a question or provide comments on a statement
A PARAGRAPH CONSISTS OF… One topic sentence 3-5 supporting sentences One concluding sentence (optional)
TOPIC SENTENCE A topic sentence has two parts: a topic and a controlling idea The topic gives the subject that the paragraph will examine (English learning, inflation, living overseas,etc) and the controlling idea states what aspects of the topic the paragraph will discuss
EXAMPLE A good topic sentence is not too specific nor too general
In pairs or groups, write topic sentences using the following topics 1. Public transport 2. Mobile phones 3. Studying the English language 4. Shandong Province 5. Chinese food
SUPPORTING SENTENCES elaborate or explain give examples support with evidence, e.g. facts, statistics Remember: Turn the topic sentence into a question to achieve cohesion Link supporting sentences by using signpost words
Example There are many reasons why millions of Americans move every year. How many reasons are there? Many men are now employed in what were traditionally women’s jobs. What were the traditionally women’s jobs that employ men now?
There are many reasons why millions of Americans move every year. Some move to find better jobs or to advance their careers. Others are attracted to places with better weather. Still others want to move to place with less crime. Finally, many people want to move to a place with a lower cost of living. EXAMPLE
Many men are now employed in what were traditionally women’s jobs. For example, there are now twice as many male nurses as there were ten years ago. Since 1972, the number of male telephone operators has almost doubled and the number of male secretaries is up about 24 percent. EXAMPLE
CONCLUDING SENTENCE Summarize the paragraph or Lead into the next paragraph Remember: A concluding sentence is optional Use signpost words
COMMONLY USED LINKING WORDS FOR CONCLUSION generally speaking in the final analysis all things considered given these pointsin summaryas shown above as has been notedordinarily for the most part as can be seenin factin the long run in conclusionin shortin a word in essenceoverallafter all to summarizeby and largeon the whole all in allaltogetherin any event in either casein briefusually on balanceto sum upindeed eventuallyspecificallyas a final point
Model body paragraph Topic: NZ is an ideal tourist destination New Zealand attracts visitors due to its coastline and mountains. First, there are beautiful, unspoilt, beaches and clear bays throughout New Zealand. For example, visitors can go swimming or kayaking at Cathedral Cove in the Coromandel. In addition, travellers can surf at Whangamata. Second, there are a number of incredible mountains that travellers can experience. For instance, the South Island is famous for its climbing, skiing, and paragliding. In addition, tourists can go trekking in the volcanic mountains in the North Island. In pairs. Add a concluding sentence
You try/homework: Study the course book pp26-27 Study linking words in the coursebook, p15 Write a short paragraph (between words)on the topic: the importance of referencing Moodle online quizzes, forum discussion and oral presentation practice