Cultivating student speaking time in any classroom SDC 2014 Vaishnavah Sookrajh
Contents About me Goals Introduction –Definition Importance of Warm-up activities Near Peer role modeling Needs analysis Problems Games
My Background My name is Vaish Sookrajh I am from South Africa South Africa has eleven official languages I used to work at University Kadena Senior High and Mirai Tech Senior High
Goals Understand the importance of student speaking time (SST) How to create an environment for SST in the Classroom Running through some games and activities which involve SST.
Introduction-Definition Student Talking Time or Student Speaking Time is defined as ‘the time learners spend talking rather than the teacher. It can be compared with Teacher Talking Time…’ (British Council, 2014)
Literature Review According to Folse (2006), one key factor in a speaking course is that students should be doing the majority of the speaking throughout the class. Bandura (1997a) suggests “seeing or visualizing people similar to oneself perform successfully typically raises efficacy beliefs in observers that they themselves possess the capabilities to master comparable activities”
Literature Review Near peer role models (NPRMs, Murphey, 1995, l996a, 1998) are peers who are close to one’s social, professional, and/or age level, and whom one may respect and admire The advantages of peer-modeling are also discussed by Watson (1993). He discovered that his 11-year old son was a helpful assistant and peer tutor in his English class of 9- or 10-year old students at a Chinese elementary school. The Chinese students felt more comfortable imitating his son. He concludes that children imitate peers instead of adults or teachers when they are immersed in a new language.
Benefits of STT (In & Out) Confidence building Grammar Theory into practice Helps remember rules Interlize content Improves listening, reading and writing Empowerment
Needs Analysis (Why STT?) Fun Improve pronunciation Filler activities Boost confidence Experiment Help students with part-time jobs Improving all round English skills
Problems CommonProblems
Problems Classroom dynamics: Number of students Behavior Broken Air Conditioner Just came from P.E Bullying I am not her friend
Problems Groups are working in Japanese only Groups are not working at all Cheating The teacher is not speaking so let’s sleep!!! Weaker students take longer to answer…
Warm Up activities Warm Up activities are very important Warm Up - Wake Up Brings everybody to the same place Sets the mood Develops routine
Start the Date!!! Greet your partner What is your name? Where do you live? Who are your friends? Who is your favorite person? What is your hobby? What do you like about Okinawa? Ask your own questions…
Picture Vocabulary
Vocabulary Please look at the pictures Write down all the words you know that describe the picture Use words you know to try to speak about the picture Make two sentences describing the pictures