Animals’ diet 执教人:孙慧 惠州市金源学校
How can we go there?
We can go there by bus.
It’s so beautiful!
Come and meet my friends!
It’s so dirty!
Let’s help it take a bath.
We are hungry!
Moo ! Moo !I’m a cow. I like hey.
I’m rabbit. I like carrots and green vegetables.
corn pumpkin eggplant tomatocucumber carrot green vegetables sweet potato potato I’m a rabbit. I like carrots and green vegetables.
corn pumpkin egg plant tomatocucumber carrot green vegetables sweet potato potato I’m a pig I like them all. I like all plants.
Oink ! Oink ! I’m a pig. I like plants.
Quack ! Quack !I’m a duck. I like insects and fish.
Cluck ! Cluck ! I’m a hen. I like grains.
Animals are our friends.
Homework Draw a picture about your favourite animal and the food it likes. Then talk with your friends. ( 画一画你最爱的动物和它喜爱的食 物,跟你的朋友们聊一聊你的画 )