Playground The playground is big, there is a play area for when it rains and benches to sit. There are trees, a tier of seats and a row to wait for the teachers. The playground is much monitored. We haven’t got a uniform. There is a water fountain to drink.
The break time There are three break times: Form am to am there is a chocolate buns sell. This sell is fund raising for school trips. From pm to 1.30 pm we put our bag in our locker and we waitin the playground to be told to go to eat in the cafeteria. From pm to 1.30 pm we put our bag in our locker and we wait in the playground to be told to go to eat in the cafeteria. After the lunch, we wait for the bell to resume classes. From 3.25 pm to 3.40 pm we usually play with our mobile phone orhave conversation with people who are not in our class. From 3.25 pm to 3.40 pm we usually play with our mobile phone or have conversation with people who are not in our class.
Cafeteria The cafeteria is separated in twoparts, one for the high school andanother for the college. It’s necessaryto have a cafeteria card to eat, with itwe take our card to get a tray. Weneed a tray to carry food and drink.Usually the food is correct, we havethe choice among three courses. Forthe first course there is usually salador pork meat, for second course thereis meat or fish and vegetables orpasta and for dessert there areyogurts or cheese and fruit.Sometimes there is ice cream. Thereare lots of tables, two fountains forfresh water. The cafeteria is watchedby supervisors and the staff is nice. The cafeteria is separated in two parts, one for the high school and another for the college. It’s necessary to have a cafeteria card to eat, with it we take our card to get a tray. We need a tray to carry food and drink. Usually the food is correct, we have the choice among three courses. For the first course there is usually salad or pork meat, for second course there is meat or fish and vegetables or pasta and for dessert there are yogurts or cheese and fruit. Sometimes there is ice cream. There are lots of tables, two fountains for fresh water. The cafeteria is watched by supervisors and the staff is nice.