Sustainabilty Briefing 96th Air Base Wing I n t e g r i t y - S e r v i c e - E x c e l l e n c e …It’s Always the Hour Colonel Eric Pohland 96 ABW/CV
Eglin Air Force Base Eglin AFB is the home of the Air Armament Center, responsible for development, acquisition, testing, and sustainment of all air-delivered weapons. –464,000 acres in Santa Rosa, Okaloosa and Walton counties –Hundreds of thousands of square miles of over-water range –Over 45 associate units –Over 50 test areas –Multiple terrain features including shorelines, rolling hills, dense forests, cleared flat expanses, water Air Force Marine Corps Navy Army
Eglin’s Current Missions
BRAC and New Mission BRAC-Congress approved Eglin as beddown site for F-35 Joint Strike Fighter joint training, Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) test site and of the Army’s 7th Special Forces Group. Recent beddown of the Air Force Special Operations tilt-rotor aircraft, the CV-22 Osprey, at Hurlburt Field. Incoming testing of the Combat Search and Rescue vehicle at Duke Field –Big challenge to sustain current mission and accept new mission Joint Strike Fighter CV 22 Army 7th SFG DTRA
Sustainability and Stewardship Sustainability of Eglin’s dynamic and robust missions depends on Stewardship of natural and cultural resources Effective management of land, water, range and airspace Support of the State and surrounding communities –Coordinated Planning National Environmental Policy Act - BRAC, Military Family Housing Joint Land-use (JLUS) planning Emerald Coast Transportation Corridor Mid-Bay Bridge Transportation Connector Leveraging resources –Partnership examples NGO - Nature Conservancy, Longleaf Pine Alliance Regional bodies - Committee for a Sustainable Emerald Coast, Gulf Coastal Plains Ecosystem Partnership (GCPEP), NW FL Regional Planning Council Local communities - Shalimar, Fort Walton Beach, Niceville, Crestview, Navarre, and Destin Counties – Santa Rosa, Okaloosa and Walton Federal Agencies - US Fish and Wildlife, Agriculture, Geological Survey, EPA, Corps of Engineers State of Florida - Departments of Environmental Protection, Forestry,
Eglin’s Natural Resources Stewardship Mission Largest natural resources program in Air Force Largest natural resources program in Air Force 280,000 acres in public recreation 280,000 acres in public recreation 70,000 acres/yr in prescribed burns 70,000 acres/yr in prescribed burns 20 miles of beach20 miles of beach 19 Federally-listed T&E species19 Federally-listed T&E species 39 State-listed T&E species39 State-listed T&E species Support Eglin AFB in accomplishing its diverse warfighting missions through sound natural resources management 300,000 acres in longleaf pine300,000 acres in longleaf pine
Only jeopardy opinion ever received at Eglin AFB cited a lack of information about the species as the reason. If that same mission were to come to Eglin today it would happen. Good science, good information and good partnerships win every time. Eglin is a Success Story – Military Testing and Training is Compatible with Natural Resources Conservation
Sustainability through Environmental Management Sustainability of Eglin’s dynamic and robust missions through Environmental, Safety and Occupational Health Committee provides oversight and policy of environmental areas Environmental Management System (EMS) - automated EMS scores and prioritizes environmental aspects for both funding and planning corrective actions. Pollution Prevention (P2) Assessments - to avoid, eliminate or correct potential compliance issues Environmental and Occupational Health Assessments and Assistance Visits (EOHCAMP ) - annual multidisciplinary self- assessment of environmental compliance