The Starving time By: Trent Neal and Nicholas Smith
Our section was about the tough times that the English had. It is about when they ran out of food. They didn’t have shelter. And about the dreaded disease scurvy.
What is scurvy? Scurvy is a disease. You get it when you have a lack of vitamin c. The reason they got this was due to the malnutrition and not enough of the proper food needed for a proper diet.
Why were so many people dying? This reason is due to scurvy. “so as they died two or three a day in the foresaid time” page 85
The reason why the got scurvy is because of not enough fruits and vegetables. That all contain vitamin c. “being infected with scurvy and other diseases” page 85
The captain of the ship was Myles Standish. He steered the ship and command the ships deck. “captain and military commander, unto whom myself and other were very much beholden “ page 86
On this ship only 6 or 7 people didn’t get sick. From this disease that everyone else was getting during this time. This go only goes to show that all of them all would eventually get the sickness.
This section of this story was to tell us what they went through during there time where they didn’t have enough food and didn’t have shelter the reason that there an importance in this section is due to what they went through back then when they first came over seas
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