Causal-Comparative Research Research that is interested in learning if there is a relationship between or among variables that is causal in nature (i.e. does one variable cause a given outcome).
Causal-Comparative Research Characteristics Is either retrospective or prospective. The independent variable is not (nor should it be) manipulated by the researcher. The groups are already formed. Differences between the groups is not brought on by the researcher. Typically explore & compare one independent variable.
Causal-Comparative Research Limitations Lack of researcher control. An apparent cause and effect relationship may not be what it seems. Causes and effects may be reversed. An external third factor may actually be responsible for both the hypothesized case and the hypothesized effect. The results are, at best, tentative in most cases. Requires repeated measures to yield definitive results.
Causal-Comparative Research Designs Matched Pairs – the researcher decides to match subjects in the experimental control groups on some variable. Comparison of Homogeneous Groups or Subgroups – select groups that meet the criteria of the extraneous variable. Analysis of Covariance – a statistical procedure used to make the groups equal on one or more variables.