Mr.Clown was born in Cityclown in the year of In this city there are a lot of clowns. Mr.Clown i’ts the youngest of the clowns. He is the funniest clown of the Cityclown.
Mr.Clown works as a clown and his first route around Spain: Madrid, Barcelona, Elche, Huesca, Valladolid…
He likes other hobbies as: Playing videogames Playing football Playing chess Amusing games Potatoes meat Lots of vegetables All kinds of fish
Mr. Clown has a lot of fans because He is the boss. At the end of his performance the fans go to Mr. Clown for signatures. He’s the most famous.
The love of his live i’ts clown girl. He liked the girl very much. One day, Mr Clown said the girl that he was in love with her. The girl said yes. And they got married and had 3 little clowns.
At the end, He was the funniest clown in city Clown. He got married And he was very happy