Copyright © 2011 Lumivox International Ltd. Learning Goal To be able to order Chinese dishes. Know Chinese dishes. To know some classroom expressions
Copyright © 2011 Lumivox International Ltd. 课堂用语 Classroom Expressions
Copyright LumiVox International Co., Ltd Nǐ chángqù zhōngguó fànguǎnr chīfànma? 你常去中国饭馆吃饭吗? Speaking Practice 2. Nǐ píngcháng dōuchī zhōngguó càima? 你平常都吃中国菜吗? Nǐ xǐhuan hē guǒzhīma? 3. 你喜欢喝果汁吗?
Copyright LumiVox International Co., Ltd You go to a restaurant for the first time, so you ask the waitress to recommend some dishes. Please make a dialogue with your coach. Speaking Practice 2. Try to order some dishes, including meat dish, vegetables, soup, staple food and drink. 3. To ask your coach would she like to eat plain rice or fried rice? 4. To tell the waitress don’t put MSG in the dishes.
Copyright LumiVox International Co., Ltd. Make a Dialogue Please make a dialogue with these pictures and the answers of last slide.
Copyright LumiVox International Co., Ltd. Time Speaking Make a dialogue with you coach. With the following words: di ǎ ncài háishì gu ǒ zh ī 点菜 还是 果汁 lái tāng 来 汤