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Information for absentees catching up 23/04/2017 Controlled Assessment PU1.4 Bouncing balls Click the link in the top right corner for a fun video to start you off EK/RHS/2013

PU1.4 Bouncing Balls Links to specification Information for absentees catching up 23/04/2017 PU1.4 Bouncing Balls Links to specification The use of kinetic theory to explain the different states of matter. The particles of solids, liquids and gases have different amounts of energy. Energy can be transferred usefully, stored, or dissipated, but cannot be created or destroyed. When energy is transferred, only part of it may be usefully transferred; the rest is ‘wasted’. From AQA specification for GCSE Science A June 2014 Don’t spend time trying to teach this. Should already be familiar from Key Stage 3 (and physics classes have done this topic this term). There’s very little call for theory anywhere in this ISA except for explaining the context. EK/RHS 23/04/2017 EK/RHS/2013

Information for absentees catching up 23/04/2017 Background information How to choose your squash balls The name "Squash" is derived from the squashable balls with which the sport is played. Squash balls vary considerable in terms of performance, catering for differing playing abilities to ensure a good balance between skill and fun whatever the standards of the players involved. The bounce height of the ball is the key difference between the balls. Beginners will find it easier to play with a ball with a higher bounce height, allowing more time to chase down the ball and return it, enabling them to enjoy longer rallies. More experienced players by contrast will prefer a lower bouncing ball as it requires a higher level of skill. The bounce height is indicated by an industry standard denoted by the colour of the dots on the ball. The other main performance difference between the various squash balls on the market is in terms of the temperatures that the balls are designed to be able to withstand. Balls at the beginner end of the range will be easy to play with straight away without any drop in performance. However, a double yellow dot ball will have to be warm in order to prevent its bounce from fading. This can be achieved in a number of ways, and in play it is maintained by repeatedly striking the ball at a high intensity. Colour Bounce height Player level Double Yellow Dot Very Low Expert Yellow Dot Low Advanced White Dot Medium Intermediate Red Dot High Developing Blue Dot Very High Beginner Just setting the scene in case anyone is unfamiliar with squash. Dots will be a control variable. Top level players warm up the ball first: this is the context of the investigation. EK/RHS/2013

Information for absentees catching up 23/04/2017 PU1.4 Bouncing balls Hypothesis: How high a ball bounces depends on the temperature of the ball. Investigate one possible method to investigate this hypothesis. Develop a detailed plan for this method Fill in the RESEARCH NOTES sheet (BOTH sides) and hand in to your teacher. EK/RHS 23/04/2017 EK/RHS/2013

Candidate Research Notes Information for absentees catching up 23/04/2017 Candidate Research Notes Fill in both sides of the sheet. Make sure you SIGN the front page. It is important you put as much detail as you can BUT do not write outside the boxes. When you have finished, your teacher will check your notes and sign the front if everything is complete. If they are handed back to you unsigned, you MUST make the improvements before you start the next stage of the assessment. Tell pupils the green tick is a checkpoint for pupils to show you their work before proceeding. Teachers should, regardless of the ability of the class, check progress and ensure everything is filled in with enough detail in each section. Sign the sheet when you approve it and collect it in. EK/RHS 23/04/2017 EK/RHS/2013

Information for absentees catching up 23/04/2017 Research Find at least 2 sources. Look for descriptions of experiments that measure bounce height of a ball. Look for ideas of how to change and measure the temperature of a ball. PLAN AHEAD! You have to squeeze FOUR lines of writing into a very small space! Draft it on another piece of paper first. Select the most useful source and write down its Title and Author OR its Title and Web address. Write WHY you thought this one was the most useful. It could be because it explains the theory clearly, or maybe it has a good circuit diagram, or the equipment is described in detail. Choose ONE of your rejected sources and write down its Title and Author OR its Title and Web address. Write WHY you rejected it. Show your draft to your teacher before you copy it onto the Research Notes. A draft is the only way to go, regardless of pupil ability. There just isn’t enough space to write without planning. CHECK their sources have titles and websites are written out in full. Use that verbal feedback stamp! EK/RHS 23/04/2017 EK/RHS/2013

Information for absentees catching up 23/04/2017 Context How can squash players make sure the ball bounces as high as possible? Explain in your own words. Write a DRAFT first. Show it to your teacher before copying it onto your Research Notes sheet. Click for a hint HINT Does the ball temperature make a difference to the bounce? What should squash players do before the game starts? Why? Use ideas about energy and particles to explain in detail (check the sources—one of them has this information) The hints questions here are guiding them towards full marks for the last question on Paper 2. They should write a paragraph IN THEIR OWN WORDS (not answers to numbered questions). EK/RHS 23/04/2017 EK/RHS/2013

Information for absentees catching up 23/04/2017 Risk assessment Hazard Risk Control How likely? Write low, medium or high risk. AND Possible outcome: how could somebody be HARMED? Name of the HAZARD, not just the object. For example, water is not hazardous. Water on the floor is a hazard. How to reduce the risk. “Be careful” is NOT enough! The risk section often does not include the probability when pupils write this in the exam. Make sure it’s in their research notes. We recommend you use this table format, it saves a lot of space! Show your draft to your teacher before writing on the Research Notes sheet. EK/RHS 23/04/2017 EK/RHS/2013

Information for absentees catching up 23/04/2017 Equipment list List every item You could draw a diagram to show how the equipment is set up. Label it. Include the range and resolution of the measuring instruments (you should have two different ones) Plenty of space on the research notes sheet, so higher ability pupils shouldn’t need to draft this for prior approval. EK/RHS 23/04/2017 EK/RHS/2013

Method in note form. Don’t write full sentences here. Information for absentees catching up 23/04/2017 Method in note form. Don’t write full sentences here. Variables Method Independent variable Name AND how it will be measured AND the RANGE and INTERVAL of its values Dependent variable Name AND how you will measure it Control variables At least TWO RELEVANT ones named AND for EACH one, HOW it will be controlled: say what its VALUE will be when you keep it constant Step by step instructions It is a good idea to number the steps. Make sure they are in a logical order Write sentences. Capital letters and full stops. Make sure this doesn’t turn into a model answer on the Research Notes sheet. They should write in note form, NOT SENTENCES. Most pupils should be able to write straight onto the Research Notes without drafting. Values of IV: discuss why they have chosen the number they have (enough to see a pattern; not clear if fewer; not enough time for more) Relevant control variables: type of ball (squash); type of squash ball (same spot colour); how long in the hot water (long enough to reach temperature); dry ball when removed from water; eye/head position when reading height (should be level with scale, not at angle); drop height (same); bounce surface (same) Discuss measurement difficulties at this stage: judging bounce height; measuring ball temperature; ball cools down and how to overcome these. Not enough space in the Method section? Put the Variables beside the Equipment list PLAN AHEAD! EK/RHS 23/04/2017 EK/RHS/2013

Writing a Method: practice Information for absentees catching up 23/04/2017 Writing a Method: practice Equipment Variables Method Hazard Risk Control In Paper 1, you need to be able to turn your notes into a clear, ordered Method. You have limited space to write, so practise writing it on ONE side of A4 ONLY Divide the space into sections and include all the details you have in your notes. Use the Writing a Method Medal Sheet to help you. Show your work to your teacher and make any changes they suggest. There should be no need for extra sheets in the exam. There is more than one side of A4 available, so if pupils practise fitting it onto 1 side they won’t repeat or waffle. Poor organisation is marked down in this question, so it is a good idea to practise it. Peer assess by all means, but it is definitely worth checking yourself as well, particularly for organisation, spg and EVERY detail on the Research Notes should be in the answer. Marvellous Methods is an alternative help sheet which has good and bad exemplars F tier pupils might get on better with. EK/RHS/2013

Information for absentees catching up 23/04/2017 EK/RHS Investigations: Writing a Method Bronze Can you List the equipment you need, including at least one measuring instrument? Name the independent variable and the dependent variable? Give one way to make it a fair test? State at least one safety precaution? Describe what to do during the practical? Strengths, weaknesses and next steps This is what you need to do to get the full 9 marks in the Part 1 CAU exam Silver Can you List all the apparatus, giving details of sizes or types? Identify and give the range and intervals or values of the independent variable? Identify and state how the dependent variable will be measured? Name at least two control variables and say how they will be controlled? Describe at least two hazards and link them to their control measures? Describe the sequence of the practical work using correct English? My response is … Gold Can you List all the apparatus, including the sizes or types and the range and/or precision of all measuring instruments? Identify all relevant variables, stating how they will be measured and/or controlled? Describe the sequence of the practical work using almost faultless English? Write a 3-part risk assessment, linking at least two hazards with their associated risks and control measures? Gold Can you List all the apparatus, including the sizes or types and the range and/or precision of all measuring instruments? Identify all relevant variables, stating how they will be measured and/or controlled? Write a 3-part risk assessment, linking at least two hazards with their associated risks and control measures? Describe the sequence of the practical work using almost faultless English? THINK PINK FOR LITERACY – GO GREEN TO IMPROVE Well done – in this task you have: To GO GREEN! You should now: Over to you – re-write the THINK PINK section correcting the highlighted errors. F tier classes could look at the two exemplars (Ellie Exemplar and Matt Minimalist) and assess their level. Discuss how they could improve. Diamond Can you explain Your choice of key apparatus How you selected the values of the independent variable Why it is important to control extraneous variables? 23/04/2017 EK/RHS/2013

Information for absentees catching up 23/04/2017 Part 1 Exam Part 1 is worth 20 marks, including your table. You are allowed to use your Research Notes during the exam. The exam is 45 minutes Use these resources to prepare for the exam: Controlled Assessment Review sheet Practice questions for paper 1 Glossary of Terms powerpoint slides Marvellous Methods Investigations: Writing a Method Medal Sheet IMPORTANT!!!!!!! Make sure you have CHECKED the Research Notes for every pupil BEFORE the exam. Trust no-one! Do not let them do the exam unless their notes are complete. They should be signed by the pupil and a teacher, ready for the exam next lesson. EK/RHS 23/04/2017 EK/RHS/2013

Information for absentees catching up 23/04/2017 Results Draw a blank table suitable for the method you have planned It’s worth 2 marks Don’t forget to label each column clearly. Give details, for example temperature of something, not just temperature. Write the UNITS You MUST do this in EXAM CONDITIONS. Your teacher should be able to mark it straight away but they CANNOT tell you what is wrong with it! Make sure you write your NAME and hand it in. If done on lined paper, collect, sort into alphabetical order and leave in the tray. Make a note of who was absent. EK/RHS 23/04/2017 EK/RHS/2013

Information for absentees catching up Paper 1 structure 23/04/2017 EK/RHS 23/04/2017 Question 1 Research sources 3 marks USE your Research Notes. Identify two sources. Say which one you found more useful and why. Say why the other was less useful. Question 2 3 marks USE your Research Notes Identify sources of error in measurements Suggest how the effect of these errors could be reduced Question 3 Plan 9 marks USE THE LAYOUT YOU PRACTISED Equipment list with details Name the independent and dependent variables, giving details of how they will be measured and the range and interval of the IV. Identify the control variables and say how they should be kept the same Write instructions for the method in a logical order Write a 3-part Risk Assessment (a table is best for this) Spelling, punctuation and grammar MATTER for this question! Question 4 3 marks Will ask about one of the Key Terms, for example anomalous results, Range, repeatability. Make sure you know what the words on the glossary mean and can explain why they are important. Question 5 Results table 2 marks Your blank results table. This should have been done in a lesson. Make sure it is handed in. If you did not do one earlier, draw it in the space below the question. Total 20 marks Emphasise that everything EXCEPT CONTEXT from their Research Notes should end up on the exam paper somewhere. If it’s not on the exam paper, it doesn’t get any marks. Model answers for the list of typical key terms in Question 4 should be practised before the exam (all of these have appeared in previous exams). EK/RHS/2013

Information for absentees catching up 23/04/2017 The Practical You may work individually or in groups You will be asked to use the equipment and follow the method provided (this might not be the same as your own plan). You should be given a photocopy of instructions to follow. If you do not understand what to do, make sure you ask for help. You might be provided with a results table or the teacher can tell you how to arrange it. TAKE PART! Make sure the teacher sees you taking some measurements and taking care to keep the control variables the same. Highlight or put your initials (with a key) on the results to show the measurements you made. It doesn’t matter if the pupils don’t get the expected results, but try to make sure all have enough data to plot a graph. NB Any pupil who does not take part CANNOT GET ANY MARKS ON PAPER 2. The simulation is in the shared drive. I’ve put the instructions on the pupil instructions sheet (it has a results table outline on the reverse). EK/RHS 23/04/2017 EK/RHS/2013

Science A – PU1.4 Bouncing Balls Information for absentees catching up 23/04/2017 Controlled Assessment Method Sheet Science A – PU1.4 Bouncing Balls Range High School 34641 This method could be used to investigate the following hypothesis: How high a ball bounces depends on the temperature of the ball. Equipment You will need a computer with access to the school shared drive. Log on, then in the Start menu, click on the word ‘Computer’ under your name. Open the shared drive (S), then open Resources\ Science Transferred to VLE-Read only\Science programmes\Focus Educational Software\SC1\Sc1rw.exe Click Run Open Physics and click on Bouncing balls experiment Method The experiment is set up on the left of the screen. Slide the margin to the right to remove the writing section. In the Options menu, select animation speed and slide it to slow. Click apply. Select your drop height by moving the slider on the left. Record this height. Select the ball temperature using the slider. Click the drop icon. Measure and record the height to which the ball bounces. Repeat steps 3 to 5 for different temperatures. This is the pupil instructions. I’ve followed the wording and layout of the AQA original. There’s an outline results table on the reverse of the sheet. EK/RHS/2013

Information for absentees catching up 23/04/2017 Controlled Assessment PU1.4 Bouncing balls 34641 Range High School Results table Name Temperature of the ball in °C Height of bounce in cm Key Measurements I made myself are shown as We are allowed to give a blank table for the practical, but our moderator is not keen on pre-drawn columns for repeats and means. I have drawn the Dependent variable column wide enough for pupils to split if they want. DON’T show this before they have done their own and had it assessed (obviously). MAKE SURE THEY WRITE THE MEAN TO THE SAME NUMBER OF DECIMAL PLACES AS THE ORIGINAL DATA. IMPORTANT YOU EXPLAIN THIS TO ALL PUPILS (cannot justify resolution of mean greater than original measurements). EK/RHS 23/04/2017 EK/RHS/2013

Information for absentees catching up 23/04/2017 Analysing results You MUST do this by yourself Remember to use SHARP PENCIL and RULER! Decide if it should be a bar chart or a line graph: If the Independent Variable is categoric (labels), draw a BAR CHART If the Independent Variable is continuous (measurements that can take any value), draw a LINE GRAPH The graph is worth 4 marks. Remember to make the graph take up more than half the page. Label both axes with the name and units. Accurate plotting of all points and a line of best fit are worth a mark each. The teacher cannot help you. Make sure pupils understand continuous and categoric variables. Make sure pupils are familiar with the phrase ‘linear relationship’. We are expecting a straight line. If there is no discernible pattern, pupils do not draw any line but they MUST write a statement on the graph explaining why they have not drawn a line of best fit. EK/RHS 23/04/2017 EK/RHS/2013

Information for absentees catching up 23/04/2017 EK Range High School 2013 Version 2 30/9 Plotting graphs Bronze Can you Plot coordinates on a graph using a tiny x? Plot three or more coordinates or bars to within 2mm (the smallest square on the paper)? Do you always use a sharp pencil and ruler? Axis/axes Independent variable Dependent variable Accurate Units Continuous data Categoric data Anomalous Silver Can you Choose the correct variable for each axis? Label BOTH axes clearly with the NAME of the variable and the UNITS it is measured in, or label each bar on a bar chart? THINK PINK FOR LITERACY In this task you should THINK PINK for: Correct use of units Correct spelling Legible handwriting, especially numbers Gold Can you Choose a sensible scale for both axes so that the graph covers more than half the page? Plot ⅘ of the points (or rule the tops of the bars) accurately, to within 1mm (half the smallest square on the paper)? Draw bars on a bar chart equal widths, with a gap between each one? If you use this, they need to aim for Diamond. Diamond Can you Choose an appropriate graph for the data, giving a reason for your choice? Plot ALL the points (or rule the tops of the bars) accurately, to within 1mm (half the smallest square on the paper)? Draw a line of best fit, or explain why it is not appropriate? Circle anomalous points? EK/RHS 23/04/2017 EK/RHS/2013

Information for absentees catching up 23/04/2017 Exam Part 2 You will be required to: Analyse your own results Draw a conclusion Match your results to the hypothesis Evaluate the method and quality of data Analyse further secondary data Report your findings in the context set. You will have your Research notes, table and graph with you. There will be Secondary Data sheets for use with some questions. Use these resources to prepare for the exam: Controlled Assessment Review sheet Practice questions for paper 2 Model answers matching Glossary of Terms powerpoint slides Before the exam, get the Research Notes back from Paper 1 and paperclip them to the results from the practical (not the blank results table; leave them with Paper 1) and the graph for each pupil. Sort them into alphabetical order ready for use in Paper 2. EK/RHS 23/04/2017 EK/RHS/2013

Information for absentees catching up 23/04/2017 EK/RHS 23/04/2017 Paper 2 structure Question 1 Your investigation 15 marks USE your Research Notes, Results and Graph Asks about your own results and how they relate to some of the Key Terms, for example: Identify IV, DV and one Control Variable Were variables continuous or categoric? Explain State range or interval of IV and explain whether it was suitable. Examples from results Do your results support the hypothesis? Describe pattern. Examples from results Repeated readings. Why you did or did not repeat. (eg Random or systematic errors; anomalous results) Calculating a mean. Rule for number of decimals in mean (same as measurements). Results from other people: reasons why they might they be different from yours Make sure you know what the words on the Glossary of Terms mean and can explain why they are important. Question 2 Secondary Data 8 marks Sketch graph. Rule 2 axes. Label both axes but NO numbers. SHAPE of line only, NO points plotted. Comment on something about the data in one of the Case Studies, eg what they should have done with anomalies or when calculating and recording the means. Case studies 1, 2, 3. Explain whether each one supports the hypothesis (one does, one does but has some kind of error, one doesn’t because it has a different IV) Write about ALL of them, IDENTIFY each one clearly. Case study 4. Conclusion about data. Question 3 Context 3 marks USE your Research Notes. Explain how your investigation could be useful in context given. Question 4 Graph 4 marks You should have already done this. Check it is ready to hand in: labels AND units on BOTH axes. ALL points accurate. LoBF RULED line or SMOOTH curve as appropriate. Total 30 marks ‘Examples from results’ means quote two pairs of numbers and say how it supports your argument. It’s worth checking towards the end of the exam that all pupils have copied their entire answer to the Context question from their Research Notes. Many forget it’s there, or try to re-word it. F tier pupils might be tired out by then and should be given a nudge if necessary! EK/RHS/2013

Information for absentees catching up 23/04/2017 The End!!      EK/RHS 23/04/2017 EK/RHS/2013