GAMESHOW CH. 3 PG CH. 5 PG By: Emily Ulma
Social constructionism has to do with how values are transmitted through…? A. problems B. foundational set of rules C. language and social mileu D. self-actualization tendency
C. LANGUAGE AND SOCIAL MILEU Social constructionism has to do with how values are transmitted through language and social mileu (eg.,family, culture, and society) suggesting that the person is constantly changing the ebb and flow of the influences of significant others, cultures, and society.
Who developed “Narrative therapy”, which suggests that reality is a social construction and that each person’s reality is organized and maintained through his or her narrative or language discourse? A. Steve de Shazer B. Michael White C. Insoo Kim Berg D. William Glasser
Which one of these are not true about the four premises proposed by Michael White and David Epston? A. Realities are based on trust/mistrust B. Realities are socially constructed C. Realities are organized and maintained through narrative D. There are no essential truths
A. REALITIES ARE BASED ON TRUST/MISTRUST The answer should be, Realities are constructed through language.
What does SFBT stand for? A. Solution-focused broad therapy B. Stimuli-focused broad therapy C. Stimuli-focused brief therapy D. Solution-focused brief therapy
D. SOLUTION-FOCUSED BRIEF THERAPY Developed by Steve de Shazer and Insoo Kim Berg, SFBT, suggested that problems are the result of language passed down by families, culture, and society, and dialogues between people. SFBT therapists build collaborative relationships and have clients established preferred goals, so they can quickly move from a problem focus to a solution focus.
In Erikson’s Psychosocial Stages of development at what age does someone form identity role vs confusion? A B. Early adulthood C. Adolescence D. Later life
C. ADOLESCENCE Positive role models and experiences can lead to increased understanding of temperament, values, interests, and abilities that define one’s sense of self. Negative role models and limited experiences will lead to role confusion.
What is the virtue of stage name for Autonomy vs. shame and doubt in Erikson’s Psychosocial Stages of Development? A. Hope B. Love C. Wisdom D. Will
D. WILL Here the toddler explores the environment and is beginning to gain control over his or her body. Significant others can either promote or inhibit the child’s newfound abilities and facilitate the development of autonomy or shame and doubt.