BUYING GREENER PCs The Sustainable Desktop? Sheffield 2 September 2008 Lisa Hopkinson HEEPI University of Bradford
ENERGY COSTS OF DESKTOPS Typical desktop + LCD monitor ~ 300 kWh/y Electricity costs over lifetime (5 12p/kWh) ~ £200 BUT lifetime energy consumption/costs can be much higher ~ £2000 Whole life costing essential
HOW TO REDUCE IMPACTS Select the equipment you need –Desktop, laptop, thin client –Ensure spec fit-for-purpose –Reduce no. devices Procure the most energy efficient PC that meets your needs Power management in use
PROCUREMENT: ECO-LABELS & TOOLS Energy Star EPEAT ECMA-370 or TED Public sector sustainable procurement guidelines and tools
ENERGY STAR Voluntary labelling scheme for energy efficient office products Database of most energy efficient models Updated specifications for computers and monitors expected in force in 2009 Only deals with energy IN USE
ENERGY STAR REQUIREMENTS FOR DESKTOPS Standby ≤ 2W Sleep mode ≤ 4W Idle mode CategoryA ≤ 50W Category B ≤ 65W CategoryC ≤ 95W
BROADER ECO-LABELS Electronic Product Environmental Assessment tool (EPEAT) –Voluntary US PC/monitor eco-label –51 criteria in 8 categories (e.g. design for end of life, energy conservation, materials selection, packaging) – ECMA 370 = TED (The Eco Declaration) –Voluntary international life-cycle eco-label for IT with focus on EU implementation –specifies environmental attributes (e.g. hazardous substances, environmental conscious design, packaging) –
OGC’S “QUICK WINS” OGC’s “Quick Wins 2007” has IT product groups Largely based on Energy Star with other specifications
FUTURE REQUIREMENTS Eco-design of EuP Directive – mandatory energy efficiency standards for office equipment in time Energy End Use and Energy Services Directive –requires public sector to take up cost effective energy efficiency improvements –Defra consultation: for education sector - voluntary agreement to be agreed with the lead representative bodies
ICT PROCUREMENT IN HE National, Regional and Inter-Regional Agreements - framework agreements with preferred suppliers National Desktop Agreement: Viglen, Research machines, Dell, Compusys/Stone Computers and NEC. Value £80M in Agreement includes Energy Star compliance; all suppliers state 80% PSU Current agreement runs until 31/01/09, guidelines updated later this year
ICT PROCUREMENT IN HE Whole life costing done infrequently Inclusion of environmental specifications ad-hoc depending on the commodity and the consortia. Uncertainty amongst procurement staff about what sustainability issues have been taken into account. Scope for sector to be more proactive in adopting standards? Scope for coordinated initiatives between procurement and IT? JISC working group?