Lindsay Couzens, M.S. 1 UNLV Office of Academic Assessment
What is your overall research question? What questions do you want your survey to answer? Is there an existing survey that answers your questions? Keep length of the survey in mind Define target group Identify Objectives 2 UNLV Office of Academic Assessment
Identify Objectives Based on purpose/research question Example: Fowler, 1995 Example: Fowler, 1995 Develop definitions for objectives All respondents should have a common understanding of the meaning of each question Specify the kinds of answers needed to meet the objectives Informs item construction 3 UNLV Office of Academic Assessment
In person Can clarify confusing statements Immediate feedback Limited to those who are present Mail Can reach large geographic areas Depend on respondents’ motivation Requires current address database Can reach large geographic areas instantly Cost-efficient Requires computer access Online Cost-efficient Requires computer access Interview Can ask exploratory or probing questions Can assist with unclear questions Requires trained interviewers Requires up-to-date telephone numbers 4 UNLV Office of Academic Assessment
Timeline Number of data collection points Cutoff dates Cost Who will construct the survey? How? ▪ Survey Monkey ▪ Elisten ▪ WebCampus tool 5 UNLV Office of Academic Assessment
How will the survey be distributed? Who will analyze the survey? Do you need special hardware or software? Who will maintain the survey? Who is responsible for updating, revising, editing? UNLV Office of Academic Assessment 6
Pilot testing Focus groups How will the surveys be distributed? How will they be collected? 7 UNLV Office of Academic Assessment
What is the research question? Do the objectives for the survey flow from the research question? Is each objective stated in concrete terms? Does each objective measure one idea or concept? UNLV Office of Academic Assessment 8